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Comment Re:Bias is sad (Score 2, Insightful) 1226

Logic really does not always take you to a creator. A timeless, unchanging state of existence (in which the perceived passage of time, and other physical phenomena, emerges via forced perspective of internal structures) not only does not logically need a creator but renders the concept absurd and meaningless.

Any logic that takes you to a creator doesn't know what to do once it gets you there, except shuffle its feet awkwardly and hope you don't want to go any further.

Comment Re:RoP (Score 3, Insightful) 707

The problem is that we have a religious culture that encourages extremely high levels of obedience, faithfulness and passion. And this is not necessarily going to cause problems, but....

But it's unstable, like a dictatorship. Your first dictator might be a fine Wise Benevolent Leader, and everybody's happy. But then his son takes over, and he's maybe something more on the Cackling Lunatic Leader side of thing. You're trapped in a system that doesn't regulate itself. As long as you're shackled to the ideologies attached to a name, rather than the rationale behind the ideologies themselves, something horrible can go wrong.

And it has.

Comment Re:Public concern (Score 1) 1181

No, I put the green line on myself. It seems at least as good a fit to the data as the cyclic one, and I doodled it in 10 seconds.

My point is that with such a small amount of data, you can't just plonk a regression curve onto it and call it a day; you can get any number of different curves of different kinds to make a good fit. Linear, quadratic, some fourier terms... but your choice can be arbitrary and highly leading and suggestive. The one you provided made it appear cyclic. Mine made it appear a distinct upwards trend.

In short, that data is too ambiguous to analyse like that.

Comment Re:The problem is chicken little (Score 3, Insightful) 1181

Before I do anything else, I want to address this:

"If the problem is CO2 being released into the atmosphere, then why don't they support nuclear power?"

Who are 'they', exactly? Climate scientists just tell us about what the climate is doing, and what we are doing to it. I don't think it's quite within their remit to support anything.

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