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Comment Re:Which aspect ratio? (Score 1) 267

I've watched B5 through a couple of times now, with friends who hadn't seen it before. Funny thing happens - at the beginning people complain that the CGI looks so bad (it was awesome for mid 90s TV, but I get that in this context it's fair to evaluate against present day). But that fades quite quickly and by the time you're half way through, at Severed Dreams, people are pretty blown away. It's a good time to remind them of their complaints. ;-)

I assume that there is a combination of two things going on - the viewer gets used to the style, and the CGI quality does improve considerably over time. I can't tell how much of each is involved, though.

Funny thing about the CGI in B5, of course, is that budget constraints were certainly a factor in the decision - because it was the only way they could possibly do anything as ambitious as they wanted with the cash they had. They were doing some of the most elaborate stuff on TV at the time. I don't think stuff like the CGI sequences in Severed Dreams had ever been seen outside of big budget movies before then. So that tradeoff does show in the early episodes, but it seems like they really pushed the technology forward.

Comment Re:How to get wide IPV6 adoption in months not yea (Score 1) 243

I reckon if you were an IPv6 only user, what you'd want to see is a list of pages you can access, and not ones you can't. That's a matter of filtering for the user, not sorting for relevance to the search query. And that assumes the existence of an IPv6 only user with *no* access of any kind to the IPv4 internet. We've a long distance to go before we start seeing those in the wild, outside of labs.

I think we need to face it that we can't expect Google to damage their core product by introducing changes like this for even the best of technical intentions. There isn't any "How to get IPv6 adoption in months not years." There's a lot of work to be done in crafting proper plans with realistic costs and benefits that can be understood by the people who are going to approve the money. We can do little things here and there, but we can't short-circut that process on an industry-wide basis.

It sounds daunting, but it's doable if we chew one bite's worth at a time. What's happening today is going to contribute to that for the content providers, by quantifying something that was previously uncertain: just how big is the impact on existing users if you dual stack. If the day turns out to be so successful that some big sites dual stack permanently - as such experiments in the past have done - then that contributes to the case for the rest of us, because finally there will be some real content out there that will use the stuff we're paying for.

Comment Re:IPv6 hall of shame (Please add more) (Score 1) 243

1. Microsoft has a patch that demotes IPv6 access for one day only. Not only does this throw a wrench in the worlds ability to gauge problems but it does nothing to solve the end users issue. Paradoxically simply disabling IPv6 is much better at this point as not breaking IPv4 is much more important to the forward progress of IPv6 deployment than a few end-users who can enable IPv6 later when they can get their issues fixed.

I think this is the support item you're referring to.

I did at first think the same way, but then I realised - that doesn't appear to be an automatically-pushed patch. It looks like a support article to which an admin can refer a user who is screaming "I don't care, make my internet work NOW." It's something that can be applied in a hurry to temporarily resolve the problem, but doesn't sweep it under the carpet because the underlying problem will still need to be dealt with in time. In that context, I think that this is a more responsible approach than telling users to disable IPv6 permanently.

Comment Re:So what (Score 1) 243

Nope. It's a scheduled, time limited way to identify end users whose browsers work normally when presented with sites that resolve to IPv4 only, but have problems when presented with sites that resolve to both IPv4 and IPv6. This is a fraction of one percent of users, but they're holding up the show for the rest of us. Without a day like today, they would never even be aware that something is wrong.

Comment Re:Hardly the most-anticipated 24 hours (Score 1) 243

It's been pretty hard to miss in networking circles specifically. Reason I say this is:

A lot of people here seem to be missing the point of the event. It's not really about boosting IPv6 traffic for the day; there are still other links in the chain to get sorted out before we can do that (most visibly, users' LANs and internet connections.) But one big thing that's been holding up the dual stacking of BIG websites, the kind participating today, is a really tiny proportion of users who don't know they have IPv6 configured and it's broken.

The numbers are in or around a fraction of a percent, but for a really big site, that's too many users. We need to find these guys and get them to fix it.

So the target for this one hasn't been mainstream users or even system administrators, but ISPs and IT support departments, so that they can find the problems in advance. (Maybe you fall into this category and missed it, in which case, sorry, but I saw it in pretty much all the networking channels I was aware of over the past seven months.)

So far, eighteen hours in, I've not seen many reports of problems. This is EXCELLENT NEWS, because if the perception of problems turns out to be much greater than reality, some of the participants might decide to leave IPv6 on permanently. That's one more link in the chain, so that ISPs that do deploy IPv6 to their users will actually begin to see some more take-up of traffic. Step by step, such is how the chicken/egg problem is unravelled.

Submission + - World IPv6 day underway! (

Sinus0idal writes: So World IPv6 Day is under way.

"The goal of the Test Flight Day is to motivate organizations across the industry — Internet service providers, hardware makers, operating system vendors and web companies — to prepare their services for IPv6 to ensure a successful transition as IPv4 addresses run out."

Have any Slashdotters seen any issues anywhere in the world as yet? We've already seen some good IPv6 addresses today from the participants. What other good v6 address combinations can Slashdot think of? has IPv6 address 2620:0:1c18:0:face:b00c:: has IPv6 address 2001:420:80:1:c:15c0:d06:f00d has IPv6 address 2a01:8900:0:1::b00b:1e5

Comment Re:My ISP doesn't offer IPv6 (Score 3, Informative) 133

The test is aimed squarely at you.

What stops the large content providers from serving over IPv6 right now today is a level of brokenness that affects a fraction of a percent of users. These are computers or networks which are nominally IPv4 only, but have some misconfigured IPv6 setup that is actively causing problems connecting to sites. The proportion of users is tiny, but if you're facebook, that's still a lot of users. Wednesday next will expose these problems on a temporary, scheduled basis.

If you run IT support for an organisation, it would be wise to see the results of, say, the RIPE IPv6 eye chart on your client machines.

Comment Re:So which is which? (Score 1) 321

NAT destroys the peer to peer nature of the network. It limits who can run servers of any type to those who are outside NAT.

Using NAT at the ISP level is basicly evil and should not be considered when we are going to need to deploy IPv6 anyway.

Cool! I agree.

Glad that's sorted.

So what do we do while we're waiting for everyone else to catch up on IPv6?

Comment Re:Seamless (Score 1) 185

To be honest, this is a fair comment. It *should* be a seamless transition, and evidently it's not going to be. My one concern is that, on the internet, this sort of change can't be laid down from on high. The kind of people who should be working on this transition are... pretty much the target audience of slashdot, actually.

Comment Re:Why can't we go after legacy space? (Score 1) 312

I did some calculations a while back, extending the growth curve beyond 256 /8s, to see what the run rate would be like. If we give back ALL THE ADDRESSES currently allocated - including yours, mine and Slashdot's - it gets us to about 2019. That's two whole internets worth of addresses.

I mean, if we really needed to buy a bit more time to do a transition, then maybe it'd be worth going through all that trouble. But we've had longer than that to prepare already with this deadline very clearly looming. I don't see how extending it a bit would change the end result.

Comment Re:The good and bad... (Score 1) 480

I'm not on AT&T, since I'm not in the US, but my answer is: rarely, but when it's there, it's killer.

So I was sitting in my driving instructor's car, in frozen weather, waiting to find out if my driving test was going ahead. (Yes, I'm a slacker for waiting so long.) I phoned the helpline, was in a queue, stuck the call on speaker, and started browsing the web page for updates. When they answered, I took the call off speaker and got the news I was after. (Sadly, it was cancelled, and I failed the rescheduled test. :-( )

The following week, my driving instructor bought an iphone.

Sure I could have done them sequentially, and sure, as it turns out, it only saved me a couple of minutes, and sure it's something that's rarely necessary. I probably wouldn't use it to decide my choice of carrier. But it's one hell of a nice-to-have.

Comment Re:Dual stack failed? (Score 1) 320


the root problem comes down to jackasses like ATT, xerox, government, etc who have a class A network and aren't willing to give up some hosts even though NAT is widespread.

giving up a small amount of addresses could have given up enough IPv4 addresses to last us another 10-15 years

Nice try blaming it on people who aren't you. I did some calculations a while ago, to see how many addresses we'd need to reclaim if we kept following the same curve we're currently on.

The answer is, you're right more or less, we could probably get another nine or ten years out of it.

The catch? Within that time, we'd have to hand back every single address currently in use on the internet, including yours, mine and Slashdot.

Still, I'm up for it if you are. You go first?

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