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Comment Gimmicks... (Score 1) 403

(rant on) Some people will fall for anything. Red Bull does nothing more for you than a plain old caffinated soda (the taurine and other "supplements" have NO effect whatsoever). People hear things on the news, read articles in magazines, or hear through word of mouth that there's some new miracle herb or supplement that's gonna change their lives and they waste hundreds to thousands of dollars a year on crap.
Want to be healthy? EAT RIGHT and EXERCISE. Period. (rant off)

Comment Be sure to get a ticketing system (Score 1) 414

I used to work at a telco and 2 of us supported about 100 users. It got WAY out of hand because they would just call us or email us if they had a problem. There was no way to prioritize the work that had to be done. If you got a call in the morning on a problem that would take most of the day, and then got calls for things that were minor (in terms of TTR), a lot of time was wasted. I now do basically the same thing at another company and we use a ticketing system. We rarely, if ever, run into those problems. Even if we did, we'd have more time to deal with it, because everyone MUST put in a ticket when they have an issue. If you aren't using a system like this now it will require that you talk to some higher-ups about getting a system implemented and there will be policy change at the company, but the people that you are pushing the idea to should immediately see the benefits.

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
