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Comment Re:Number each spot (Score 1) 863

If you don't know how much time is remaining in the empty spot, you'll get another time slot. That's the way it works in Montreal. Also, you can't add more time to an existing parking. You need to buy a new ticket. 2 hours remaining, want to add an extra hour NOW well, pay for 3.

Comment Re:Color Me Unsuprised (Score 1) 554

Yeah Alberta you're so great. You have oil in your backyard and it gives you lots of money. Turns out we have water in ours. We'll see in 100 years if oil, if any is left and you didn't destroyed completely your environment is of any value. On the other side, you will be welcome to drink my water because we're a united country and even if we whine a lot, we do care of the rest of Canada (well... at leat 51% of its people!)

btw I lived in Calgary half a year for work. I know the place and the people. While I admire some of your traits, others or just as dump as ours.

Comment Re:Choice fodder! (Score 2, Interesting) 554

As a quebecer, I was so fed up with this crap that I moved to BC.

Movies are better in their original language. I watch french movies in french and english movies in english.

Same for books.

Same for any technical profession where you have to talk to someone or learn cutting edge stuff not yet translated.

The french language is beautiful but not that useful and people fail to recognize it.


Slashdot's Disagree Mail 135

This installment of Disagree Mail highlights a man's concern about illegal cloning in the Hollywood community, a guy who is sick of US imperialism and his low karma, and an example of the kind of people you don't want as roommates in college. Read below to find out just how crazy, angry and irresponsible it gets.

Comment To upgrade from a CD: (Score 1) 755

Upgrading using the alternate CD/DVD Use this method if the system being upgraded is not connected to the Internet. 1. Download and burn the alternate installation CD. 2. Insert it into your CD-ROM drive. 3. A dialog will be displayed offering you the opportunity to upgrade using that CD. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions. If the upgrade dialog is not displayed for any reason, you may also run the following command using Alt+F2: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" Or in Kubuntu run the following command using Alt+F2: kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Top Office Pranks (blogspot.com)

abramsv writes: "Plan your sweet revenge! Either get even with your co-workers, or get fired in style. Collection of classic, and more recent, office pranks. Link"

Submission + - Credit Cards Cut Off Gas Purchases

frankShook writes: "Paul Brisgone of Oxford, Pa shares his pain with filling up the 32-gallon tank in his Ford F-150 pickup. From the article: "When I can go 400 miles a day, it inconveniences me if I need a full tank of gas and can't get one,"

Apparently, PA gas stations are setting a limit on a single gasoline purchase (I've seen it myself). Check out the full story at http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2 007/06/15/financial/f110628D50.DTL&feed=rss.busine ss"

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"When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest." -- Bullwinkle Moose
