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Comment Re:High profile target and popular CMS' (Score 2, Informative) 219

The advantage to using Drupal for the White House is that it's a popular CMS and has lots of people patching exploits and vulnerabilities. The second a proof of concept piece of code or an easy exploit is discovered, a few thousand developers will descend to get their patches submitted.

As opposed to your homegrown CMS, where you only discover the security holes when 3gotiZt posts pictures of full frontal nudity on the home page of your site.

Comment Re:I understand these modern times and all... (Score 1) 875

I think you're reading way too much into this. No one ever said broadband would be provided, any more than the US government provides people with firearms. The point, I think, is that this would prevent anyone from arbitrarily shutting you down the way France is considering doing in the event of IP violations.

Comment Re:And why should they care? (Score 1) 441

Er, uh, how is the genius engineer going to explain his/her idea to the communication genius if he/she is not capable of communication?

You understand that this isn't about marketing, right? The purpose of the essay is to distinguish between the engineer who can engage other engineers and the one who can't — it's not aimed at finding the engineer who can develop a branding campaign for his/her widget.

The notion that there is _any_ field of human endeavor in which communication is not essential is just ridiculous.

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