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Comment Re:Well... (Score 5, Informative) 796

I understand how the "errors" comment relates to #8 & #9, but how does it relate to #10? Have you read the Wealth of Nations? What errors did you find? I suspect that you have been exposed Adam Smith's work via someone else's filter and interpretation.

Unlike Atlas Shrugged and The Communist Manifesto, The Wealth of Nations does not take a position and is consistantly observational throughout the book based on data of the time. Although Adam Smith is often noted as the father of capitalism, he is first and foremost a philosopher. It is clear throughout his works that he does not always agree with what he observes, but lays out the facts regardless. Most people latch onto the observations regarding self-interest in The Wealth of Nations and extrapolate it to mean that "greed is good" when in fact Smith is more focused on the notion that people have to do what is best for themselves and their families. A reading of his earlier work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, expands upon his observations and helps balance the nuanced conflicts within each of us and society as a whole.

Comment Re:Probably not a big deal? (Score 1) 375

No, there is a big difference. It is incredibly difficult to single out individual gasoline car fires among the tens of thousands whereas it is easy to single out each and every Tesla which catches fire.

As the old saying goes, "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." Currently Teslas are not able to hide behind any statistics and so each and every event takes on a disproportinate significance.

Comment Impossible Physics? (Score 1) 506

People being interviewed who were on the plane keep says that passengers hit their heads on the ceiling during the crash. Being this crash was during the landing how was this possible. People should be have been fastened in their seat. Did the seat belts fail? Did the fuselage flex that far? Did the overhead bins flex down? The news media has been repeating this "fact." What are people's thoughts on this mystery?

Comment Re:Problem with egos really (Score 1) 525

"In theory, a heatpump would be great, but you need to solve a few problems . . ."

It looks like Renault/Nissan has solved a few problems. The 2013 Nissan Leaf uses a hybrid resistive/heat pump system.

Comment Don't sabotage your opportunity! (Score 4, Insightful) 276

If the project has momentum then the absolute worst thing that you can do is resist adding additional people to the project. If you do not understand how additional people can increase project velocity and add value then you are not experienced enough to make that decision and it will show to all of management. What you need to do is be strategic about how the team grows.

First you need to think deeply about what you do not know. What are the organizational hurdles you are likely to face? At what stages of the project will you be over-allocated as a resource? How many presentations and one-on-one conversation will be necessary keep momentum? How will this project be monetized? How will the end product integrated into an existing offering? Or how will the end product be marketed and sold?

Once you have a good inventory of what you will need, sit down with management and talk about how to address these needs--this alone will earn you a lot of respect. Ask who will likely be assigned to the project. Start taking these people out to lunch to discuss the project. If they are more senior they will generally offer to pay. Don't hesitate to pay even if out of your own pocket. It will show how committed you are to the project and organization. During these lunches ask questions about the process other successful projects have gone through and the types of problems your project is likely to face. NOTE, it is critical to not be defensive or offer too many pre-baked solutions during these meetings--it will come of arrogant, dismissive and impulsive. It is much better to say things such as, "I have some thoughts around this, but need to vet the ideas with people who can really help shape them." You will have opportunities to solve the problem in due time, or even better to have other people "solve the problems" with your solutions.

Ask if you can be a part of the decision making process for attaching additional people to the project. If you are included, be very judicious using any perceived veto power. It is better to raise concerns and shape involvement than to try to establish a front. Of course, there are always cases where lines should be drawn, but if you have voiced realistic concerns then you can keep management up to date if you seen things going awry. If you are not included, accept that decision maturely and remain engage in the process. You will likely have more influence on the side lines than you realize.

As the project grows you will need to find an exit from your technical role. You will need to own the vision, but you will not have time to execute all the technical details. Mentor people to take over the details and build as many documented repeatable processes as possible.

Learn how to present your ideas. You will likely be invited to more presentations. Know your place in these presentations. You have more to lose than gain if you say too much. Be there as the "guru with upside" instead of being the "one-hit wonder" or the "wild card."

Good luck! I hope you do well. Don't be afraid of not knowing something. Nobody knows everything. Embrace other people's capabilities especially when you don't understand what they do or who they can help. These are generally the people you really need.

Comment Re:Inconsistantly Odd Alert (Score 1) 151

File this one under uninteresting and an obvious forgery.

Technically this is not much different than just hosting a look-alike page to collect passwords. The phishing attack would be much more interesting if the URL wasn't so obviously bogus. According to the paper an attack could use a URL shortener to further hid the obviously odd URI. The problem with this is that the URI attack described in the article requires that you send the URI with payload to the victim. A URL shortener service has no reasonable way to direct the short URL to the crafted URI.

Ironically, using a shortened URL (tinyurl, etc) would make it easy to hide a real phishing site hosted out on the Internet. To say that this is a security hole is to say that because all browsers allow people to go to sites that can claim to be who they are not all browsers are insecure.

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