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Submission + - Dr Who composer wrote dance music in the 60s

The Bender writes: "The BBC has uncovered a vast archive left by the composer of the original Dr Who music. Delia Derbyshire, a Cambridge maths and music graduate whose favorite instrument was a green lampshade, had already left the BBC Radiophonic Workshop by the time syntheizers were invented. All the same, she managed to produce a track that Paul Hartnoll (of Orbital) said "could be coming out next week on Warp Records". The link contains plenty of audio clips."

Submission + - Six-way kidney op opens door to more transplants 1

The Bender writes: "The BBC is reporting a 6-way kidney transplant operation. Six people needing new organs all had willing donors that did not match them, but did match another member of the group. They therefore "swapped" donors, and all six operations were carried out simultaneously to avoid any last-minute backouts. Doctors speculate that this method of group matching could allow far more life-saving transplantations to take place in the future."

Submission + - Largest planetarium in the UK opens to the public (

The Bender writes: "The new dome at INTECH will open to the public tomorrow in a ceremony featuring Terry Pratchett and Patrick Moore. It has a rack of computer equipment with a total of 32 TB ram running a 6 full-color digital projectors facing an 16.5-meter diameter 360 degree aluminium screen with mm-accuracy. What's more exciting is that it's a public attraction rather than a tightly controlled university or research instrument. Now, how do you fire up Doom on that thing?"

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