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Comment Re:You think long takes AREN'T CGI? (Score 1) 295

I think you've missed the point of what a "long take" is; ultimately its charm/value lies in the fact that it's a meat-world, real-time thing. Collaborative groups -- the film's director and ADs, cinematographer and assts, lighting director and assts, set designers and assts, scriptwriters, actors, and myriad workers -- all have to coordinate exquisitely to push beyond their normal boundaries of time (and usually of space). In one regard that work is similar to the coordination needed to efficiently produce a CGI sequence, but the big difference is that, as you noted, when the mountain isn't quite in the right place/shape, the CGI-er can "back up a few frames" and grow a notch in the mountain. In a meat-world long take where the mountain is out of place/shape, you have to reset the whole scene. There's some "making of" dox about the OK Go "This Too Shall Pass" viddy that illustrate this very well.

Missing from TFA are two of the most landmark uses of long takes in modern cinema: Hitchcock's Rope and Welles' The Magnificent Ambersons. Rope -- which is nothing but long takes, 10 IIRC -- stresses the actors: each shot was basically as long as the film in the camera magazine (10 minutes), forcing the actors to summon their best "stage play" skills while still accommodating cinematic conventions. The Ambersons' most noteworthy long take, the ballroom scene, stresses the various directors and crew with an extended backtracking shot through four rooms of the Amberson mansion (following the action through a set of French doors was considered a technical tour de force in its day).

And, of course, there's the matter af art. The Genesis sequence in Khan is hardly art; it portrays nothing that couldn't be replaced by a few seconds of explication (indeed, I would say that in its context that CGI sequence is merely the 23nd century equivalent of a PowerPoint presentation), does little to drive the story forward, and carries no emotional impact (unless your emotions are driven by your CGI-detecting circuits ;-).

What do an extended CGI sequence and parking lot surveillance footage have in common? Neither qualifies as a "long take".

Comment Re:A recipe might not be copyrightable... (Score 1) 565

"Of course in this case I don't see a link to the offending recipe, so there's no way for me to know whether it is subject to copyright or not."

Yeah, this was a tough one: it required actually reading the first paragraph of the first linked article. Here's Ms. Gaudio's original article. Sorry you did all that typing for nothing, but thanks for playing. Better luck next time!

Comment Re:Yeah.... (Score 2) 237

You're gonna have to clue me in on the joke... I mean, if the cost of settling for those 5,000 Does is $2,000 each, then that's $10M to split between the producers and lawyers. Hurt Locker has racked up about $48M in worldwide box office so far (against a production cost of $15M). How is $10M "almost as much money" as $48M? (Not to mention the $28M from DVD and BD sales.)

And, let's see....9 Oscar nominations with 6 wins, including Best Picture and Best Director; about 100 awards from groups that like to hand out prizes; 97% on Rotten Tomatoes; the praise of two Iraq veterans with whom I watched it...yeah, it's a crappy film. Are you forgetting that it's lowest-box-office-ever-for-Best-Picture status in large part stems from its extreme shortage of prints?

And just because it's slashdot....what's up with putting "stealing" in quotes? Are you saying that if I'm offering my car for sale and someone drives it away without paying, that my car hasn't been stolen? And that the fault for that is mine, by virtue of it not being a very good car? Oh wait, I get it -- Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal should be selling T-shirts at every venue, since making money from your actual art is so passé...

Comment Re:greedy airlines ? (Score 1) 673

The BA passengers stuck in Mumbai until May 6 -- even though holding paid-for return tickets -- who get to watch those able to cough up £2000 fly out today might argue that "greedy" pretty much fits the bill. (Small lie there: since you can't enter the airport without a boarding pass or a bribe, it might be hard to spot departing flights ;-)

Comment Re:Do we really want the government controlling it (Score 1) 790

What "free market" would that be? The one that magically creates more height on telephone and power poles for stringing cables in dense housing areas? Or the one that forces a regime change at Comcast by magically convincing 80% of its customers to cancel service out of respect for the 5% whose activities are curtailed/restrained by non-neutral policies? It's gotta be strong magic, since it will also need to prevent new/replacement operators to not pull the same shit as their predecessors....

Well, have at it and good luck. At the same time, would you please also wave the wand to de-regulate terrestrial radio waves? I really miss the days when a religious nut or quack doctor could fire up their incredibly dirty 500,000 watt AM signal and drown out every other voice for hundreds of miles. Get rid of the Bureau of Mines, too -- heck, anyone rich enough to dig a really big hole must know what they're doing, right? And don't get me started on the financial regulators...enforceable accounting standards just stifle innovation!

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 224

Rolling a truck for short-term jobs like one-day service for a home inspection, or cutting service to a non-pay, or de-socketing/re-socketing a meter for service repair work is very inefficient. Hard to imagine any exec who wouldn't want to cut the expense for gas, vehicle, work hours, and risk. (It's one thing to say, "cheaply disconnecting people who arent' paying their risky objectives." Now go deal with those folks -- by definition you're losing money on them, and the field reps can be faced with threats, vandalism, bricks, knives, guns.... Be a good time to reassess "risk" ;-)

Comment Re:I'm standing with Google on this one... (Score 1) 533

Largely agree with what you're saying, but OTOH there's nothing unusual about this, history-wise. Like, late Brit colonies/early USA was viewed similarly by the "established players" of Britain, France, Spain, etc. -- cheapie stuff, undercut prices/wages, exporting seditious ideas, employing privateers, etc. When nations become "startups" things tend to get messy.

In one sense, China's been a great global citizen: no invasion of USSR/Russia ;-) (How tempting it must be to look north at all that lebensraum, knowing that nothing short of nukes can really stop your army....) Or the One Child program; nasty business for Chinese citizens, but the reduced population is a relief to those outside its borders. By being so insular in the past they've yet to produce a Bhopal. A millenia-spanning source of tensions/war in south Asia, yet also a powerful stablizing force. Etc.

Is it a different world these days? Is there sufficient lack of worldwide resources, arable land, political patience, clean air and water, and general margin-of-error for China to get away with these -- til now -- normal growth pangs? And if so, how to put China's feet to the the world prepared to boycott its manufacturing WalMart?

Comment Re:First I wondered, how this could land in my spa (Score 1) 410

OTOH, here's a submission linking to BoingBoing and mentioning CD by name, and yet no /.er has elected to remind/espouse/reveal what a turd/sham/poseur Doctorow is (as of 2100EST); I can't recall another example of this. (It's kind of the morning in 2002 when the /. front page ran for 4 hours without a single spelling error or obvious grammatical error -- I always knew such a thing was possible, but to actually see it happen, wow.)

Comment Re:Tracking your TV watching is good (Score 1) 521

Not sure that anyone's mentioned being afraid of TV tracking (after all, the data's been randomized! ;-), but concern/caution seems appropriate. For instance, reality shows and similar LCD programming: first off, your TiVo stats (and have a thousand friends join you) will do little to dent network affections for such genres -- they're cheaper to produce than so-called "scripted" shows, so Survivor is always going to have a leg up in the excutive suites.

Where your viewing data will have an effect, however, is in determining which shows attract viewers that stay on the couch to watch the ads. Slashdot ran another story on TiVo data collection way back in '03; the linked BW article mentions one impact of this more-granular data -- it's possible to separate total viewership (aka old-style Nielson numbers of rating and share) from "advert stickiness", the number of viewers who watch the ads. Way back in '03 this was exemplified by comparing The Practice (lawerly drama, pre-Shatner bogosity) to The Weakest Link (cheesy semi-schadenfreude game show): Practice had an 8.9% TiVo rating, but those viewers watched only 30% of the ads. OTOH, Link had only a 0.9% rating, but its viewers stuck around for 78% of the ads. These stats open up a whole new field for the network quants: how to make a show good enough to draw an above-threshold rating/share, but crappy enough to draw the kinds of folks with nothing better to do than sit through the ads.

Now add in Google's Nov. 2009 deal to buy viewer stats from TiVo for use by Google TV Ads, and set your phasers to Irony....will producers begin formulating AVO (advertisement-viewing optimization) strategies similar to SEO shenanigans on the web?

Comment Re:How about changing it to "XSucksALittleLess" (Score 1) 356

Why one guy couldn't touch wires inside AND outside my house is anyone's guess.

For the same reason the guy in the body shop doesn't diagnose fuel injectors, and the mechanic doesn't bang out fenders. The tech who comes to your house is geared for tasks like settop changeouts, F-fitting replacements, ground rods, reworking a drop, etc. The line tech is carrying amp parts, tap plates, pole hardware, system maps, etc. and the skills to wield them.

Back when I was running a cable repair dispatch office, our cost on rolling a housecall truck was $N an hour and a tech truck ran close to $N*2.25. Less than 15% of house calls were the result of system problems; do the math.

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