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Comment Re:And there was much rejoicing !! (Score 1) 176

Hmm... you must go to some obscure places in Wyoming (ok, that might be redundant...). My VZWL phone works fine, but that's mostly on I-80 corridor, Rawlins to Casper, Casper to Lusk, I-25 corridor. No roaming, or at least none that I notice. Even signal on most of US-30 between I-80 and I-15. But it does lose it north of Lusk once the terrain gets a bit rougher, but that's a terrain restriction. If I'm up high enough, it'll pick up a signal...

Comment Re:Rhetorical or Not? (Score 3, Interesting) 189

4. Private citizens are not (generally) supposed to engage in surveillance of other private citizens under any conditions.
You obviously don't live in a housing development with CCRs (deed restrictions on what you can do with "your" house) or a HOA (home owners association, like with a condominium or housing development), that is monitored by a bunch of really angry busy bodies, or anywhere else where some of your neighbors have nothing better to do than concern themselves with the business of everyone else. Or a neighborhood bully. Or get on the wrong side of the neighborhood watch committee for a flippant comment questioning their authoritah.

Comment Re:First Yea!!! (Score 1) 216

but it's not easy to guarantee that the animal you bought actually went into the animal bits you have in the packages you got back for the most part. Most animals, once the hide/skin/feathers have been removed, look amazingly like all the other animals of that type in the same condition. Not too many slaughterers will guarantee that, either.

Funny thing, that. If I had a bunch of lottery winnings money, I'd give good money to someone who could identify by taste (in a good, double-blind test) whether the beef they were actually eating was from "Angus", "Hereford", "Charolais", or whatever cows...

Those marketing folks are pretty good at what they do. And we (the collective "we") sure are good at buying into their bullshit.

Comment Re:Not all religions are bad (Score 1) 910

So, the suicide bombers die with more "honor" too? They are the kamikaze of our day. Instead of "divine wind", it's "72 virgins".

Me thinks anymore that "honor", at least bestowed upon others by our societies, is just another mindfuck to get others to do one's dirty work for them, in the name of the society. At least in most parts of the world, a bereaved, embittered person, objectively having been fucked over by the system or someone else, who goes on a killing rage and then shoots himself or is killed by the cops, most of us will not see that as honorable, no matter how sympathetic we may feel about the person's cause.

Yet, in some circles, if we were compelled to strap a bomb to our chest, and take ourselves into a crowded space full of our "enemies", and detonate said bomb, killing ourselves in the process, that is "honorable"?

How is it honorable to brainwash someone to do this, having either a sniper watching them or someone else to detonate the bomb, just in case?

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