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Comment Re:zebra (Score 1) 188

I 532nd zebra.

Zebra's work on anything, you can copy raw ascii (or UTF-8) data to an LPT port if you want. I've had Unicode labels coming out of an zebra connected to an iSeries (the zebra had its own network card and just connected via a TCP port), which may not sound like much but that's because you've never tried to do this crap in RPG...

Dead Space Highlights Disparity Between Plot and Gameplay 87

Gamasutra is running an opinion piece praising recent horror-action game Dead Space for its pacing and gameplay while simultaneously criticizing the plot and the attempts to scare the player. Quoting: "What Dead Space is, is carefully and stylishly unoriginal. You'll love playing it, but when you aren't playing it, it's hard to say what's so great about it. It has some really great set pieces, some sweet effects, solid gameplay, an amazing interface and that's all. Anything and everything having to do with dialogue and story comes off as rote. ... You get the feeling the developer are trying very hard, though. When I see a dark shape in the distance, which turns and disappears, I don't get scared. I know he'll pop out of a vent later! Likewise, when I find a scientist who promptly slits her throat because of the horror, I just check for an item drop. None of the survivors ever surprise you and go hostile (which I think would have been a brilliant scare), so you never have to worry."

Submission + - Voyager 2 finds solar system's shape is 'dented' (

Selikoff writes: "NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft has found that our solar system is not round but is "dented" by the local interstellar magnetic field of deep space, space experts said on Monday. The data was gathered by the craft on its 30-year journey into the edge of the solar system when it crossed into a sweeping region called the termination shock, they said. It showed that the southern hemisphere of the solar system's heliosphere is being pushed in or "dented." Voyager 2 is the second spacecraft to enter this region of the solar system behind Voyager 1, which entered the northern region of the heliosheath in December 2004."

Submission + - Flickr images used to build 3D models of the world 1

willatnewscientist writes: "Scientists at TU Darmstadt in Germany and the University of Washington in the US have developed software that analyzes images of famous landmarks on photo-sharing websites like Flickr and uses them to build a 3D model of the structure. The researchers found the software to be as accurate as using laser range finding in many instances — an 3D model of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is shown in an image and video. "The system provides an opportunity to use the billions of user-contributed images available online to 'reconstruct the world' without relying on specialised equipment," says researcher Michael Goesele."

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