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Comment Re:This is impossible! (Score 2) 158

Bang on the money. The well reasoned arguments here: http://marcrogers.org/2014/12/...

were made before the DPRK link was fixed in the news cycle. It was then instructive to watch workings of the new McCarthyist cheerleaders, even (especially) here on Slashdot. People seriously writing 'the FBI have all the incriminating evidence, they just can't share it with you' type-comments.

The eleven years since the non-existence of WMDs may seem long time for the kiddies running the military's multiple personality software, but most people here won't ever buy that crap again.

Comment Cricket pitch (Score 1) 81

This year, I sat on camping chair at the edge of a cricket pitch on a fine July evening in the UK. Over the 90 minutes I and the other couple of dozen spectators were repeatedly brushing tiny spiders off our heads. Average height of grass, 1 cm, cf 1 m for those previously comfortable humans.

Only question is did we arrive in a normal migration cycle or did the appearance of a hundredfold increase in launchpad height stimulate the spiders?

Comment John Cabot? (Score 4, Insightful) 276

If the journey were reversed, Columbus would have discovered the Azores. The first exploration by Europeans [who recorded their discovery] of continental North America in 1497 was led by John Cabot. He was always thought of as the discoverer of America until the early C19th (why would a bunch of British immigrants credit a Spaniard?).

Then came the War of 1814, burning of the White House, etc. and a wave of anti-British sentiment. Suddenly, the US's founding father became good ol' Christopher.

Comment Over-eager Press Office (Score 5, Informative) 391

The London Metropolitan Police Press Office released this statement. When challenged by a lawyer, they could only point vaguely to anti-terror laws and say things like "Do you want people to watch it". So it's PR people, probably with no legal training, who are making up laws on the hoof (and with no apparent correction from their superiors).

Fuller story here (free reg required):

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