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Journal Journal: A possible new column

Okay, so I've had a wild hair up my butt, and as such, I've come up with a real use for this space.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Some changes since last time

Well, I've changed my system specs. I now run Ubuntu on my desktop and Winsucks on my laptop. I needed something that could use iTunes, as I have a lot of music purchased through there. I know, I shouldn't be using DRM, but this was before I knew any better, when I was simply a consumer whore.
User Journal

Journal Journal: First Post!

Well, this is my first post in this journal. I've got a LiveJournal account, but you probably wouldn't be interested in that. I'll try to keep some of my techie stuff here, such as my Linux modifications/discoveries/whatnot. As a relative n00b to the world of *ix, I've got a lot to learn. Currently, I'm running FC1 on my desktop and Knoppix 3.6 on my laptop, but I'm planning on switching to Debian Sarge on the desktop soon, as I've got a broken RPM database on here, so I can't use apt-get fo

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