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Comment Re:A scam for the gullible (Score 2) 216

Agreed. And if they do send people those people will almost certainly starve or suffocate.

Biosphere 2 is our best attempt at creating a self-supporting closed environmental system. At 3.14 acres stocked with complex (and sensitive) vegetation, air and water supplies and support machinery weighing an untold amount of gigatons costing $200-300 million with relatively cheap Earth-based construction techniques and labor - not to mention Earth solar insulation for power and vegetation growth unlike what will be available at Mars, it couldn't produce enough food or oxygen for a mere 7-8 people.

There is no way at anything near current or foreseen launch prices that anything like that could be duplicated on Mars, let alone exceeded.

Comment Re:Rate Case nightmare (Score 1) 1030

This will force utilities to break up their charges into actual power production and infrastructure maintenance which means tons of extra work in getting government approvals for the rates they charge costumers.

I think doing this would be a good idea. My water company splits its charges this way. Not sure why the government approvals would take so much more work.

Comment Re:Shouldn't pick winners/losers... (Score 2) 1030

"Contrary to popular belief, and many a breathless article, the government does not, in fact, book a profit on student loans. As New America's Jason Delisle has explained, that's because the Congressional Budget Office is required by law to use a bizarre and faulty method for determining the cost of government loans."


Comment Re:Why subsidize? (Score 2, Informative) 1030

At the time, Solyndra's CIGS thin film technology was a smart idea with standard solar panel polysilicon running at $400 per kilogram and China cutting global access to their supplies of rare earth elements. Had those conditions continued, the company would have been very profitable. Hindsight may be 20/20, but nobody in those days was predicting polysilicon dropping to under $30/kg, China relaxing its rare earth access and subsidizing its own solar exports to dump under cost of production. Certainly Solyndra attracted its share of private financing as well as the US Government's.

Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 1) 1448

I wasn't being bitchy. Just pointing out an equivalent logic that just about everyone supporting the originally proposed logic would reject venomously. Sorry you read it that way.

I didn't want to muddle my original post, but there is another argument on equality grounds against your originally proposed argument (whether or not you agree with it):

It is sexist - not equal treatment of men and women. You are disallowing women from doing something men can and vice-versa.

For the record, I agree with the rest of your argument. Church and State should remain separate whenever possible.

Comment Re:It's not a glitch (Score 2) 490

I agree on this. Why have low penalties on young smokers and really high ones on older ones? To not give them any reason to quit when young and get really hooked and then throw in the high penalties?

Do what insurance is supposed to do - spread the risk and costs for the behavior so people who choose to do it when they are young are already helping to pay for the costs of their behavior when they get older. The costs they incur when they get old aren't solely cause by the smoking done when they are old.

Comment Re: Uranium means it is not a silver bullet (Score 1) 293

Let me know when somebody actually runs a commercial thorium or breeder reactor.

The much hyped Indian "thorium reactors" are actually going to be run as conventional light water reactors for the foreseeable future.

Most breeder reactors have been for experimental research, not actual commercial production. France shut theirs down.

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