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Comment Oh gawd (Score 0) 375

Sinofsky is a fucking dipshit and he's overreaching. You couldn't get away with this on Linux because they would just jettison your dumb Metro window manager like used toilet paper. When Metro grows dated (almost there already) they're hardcoded and fucked. XAML & C++, eh? Can anyone see the obvious retardation? If you guessed that C++ doesn't have reflection and XAML is based entirely on reflection, you are correct. IThis, IThat, death-by-COM, surely that was what we were all clamoring for instead of an optimized WPF right?

Comment Out of the frying pan into the fire (Score 2) 598

What this article has endorsed (i.e. government intervention) is exactly what has caused the problem. Nowhere in Part One of the article did I see any mention of actual economics, just a bunch of OMG THEIR TAKING R BUSINES. Ask yourself, what makes it cheaper to manufacture overseas? Could it be corporate taxation? Regulation? Expense of Social Security and unemployment insurance? Yadda Yadda Yadda? Anyone listening?

Comment Re:Too Many (Score -1, Troll) 477

States like California and Massachusetts are broke as a joke because their efforts to control peoples' lives and transactions and confiscate their property in the name of "social welfare" are chasing out taxpayers at a ridiculous rate. They habitually endorse only enough freedom to debase any moral order and use laws to arbitrarily lock down the rest. Liberalism and its bastard child environmentalism are religions only worse, because they ignore centuries of empirical data (booksmart with the wrong books) and rather than just try to interpret God, they try to BE God, leading to horror after horror. Such as your statements deciding who is worth what and what should be done against each person you dislike. Go ahead and log in before posting your bullshit.

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