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Comment Re:FiOS (Score 1) 379

I actually don't care if TWC credits my bill or not. I feel the service is better without the Viacom channels. Just so long as you guys don't drop Cartoon Network, I'll be happy. That is, unless you create an Adult Swim channel. Then you can drop Cartoon Network.

Comment Re:Quick lesson (Score 1) 379

Sometimes you happen upon a torrent seeded almost entirely by really slow connections, or by people who are seeding a lot of torrents. I've stumbled onto a couple recently with 1000+ seeds that refuse to go any higher than 60kb/s, but most of the ones I find with maybe 10-20 will fly.

There's no real significance there, it's just something I've noticed.

Comment Re:more importantly: (Score 2, Interesting) 376

They could always hire a bunch of high school script kiddies to install their random preferred Linux distros on every machine in the company, and they could do it for pennies on the dollar. But then they'd end up with something like... 50% Gentoo, 10% Slackware, 5% Ubuntu (lol n00b u use failbuntu), 20% Red Hat/CentOS, 14.8% pure backdoor scripts, and 0.2% traces of Solaris, Windows, and various alternative operating systems.

It sounds like some sort of perverted technoecosystem that might be interesting to see...

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