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Comment CDN for images only? (Score 2) 205

This seems like an amazing simple solution for the biggest bandwidth hogs on my servers--the images. But, it seems like it's not set up to perform in this role satisfactorily. In the FAQs, it looks like they recompress images. I'm pretty sure I'd never want another site to monkey with my, or my clients', images. An elegant and nearly transparent way to install a CDN this may be, but unless they are willing to never ever mess with my content, I don't think this will work for me. At this point move along, there is nothing to see here.

Comment Cold Fusion Studio? (Score 1) 545

I've been using Cold Fusion Studio 5 for over 10 years and love it. I don't care for visual editors and am versed in all the underlying syntaxes that I use. It has intelligent highlighting, tag insight/completion, FTP integration, and most importantly RDS integration (for direct file manipulation as well as database schema viewing/querying). I am hesitant to update to Windows 7 since I lost the install files due to a hard drive crash, or else I could see using it for the next 5 years or more. It's a very solid editor, despite a few minor quirks. Notepad++ would likely be my next platform of choice if I lose my current install.... if only it supported RDS I'd switch now, to be fair.

Comment IPv4 vs Massachusetts (Score 1) 510

It seems to me that we'll run out of IPv4 space VERY quickly if every website that collects PII is required to become encrypted with SSL. Option B: use an expensive multi-domain SSL. The CAs must be frothing at the mouth because of this new law. I think the lawmakers of MA just gave me a really good excuse to raise my hosting rates.

Comment Re:Programming (Score 1) 799

I agree that the interest needs to be there. When I was 10 I taught myself BASIC, moved on to Pascal by 12, Assembly at 14, over to C, back to Java, etc, etc, etc. Once a programmer gets their feet wet with a couple different types of languages the sky is the limit, but something has got to "click" early on or it's just not going to work.

I wish Logo were still available, because that would be perfect--instant gratification is what kids at that age like. You may even want to look at Macro programming in some of the MS Office apps since it provides fairly instant feedback in a controlled environment.

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