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Comment Mod down troll (Score 2, Informative) 2349

"our parliament is a virtual dictatorship"

If by "dictatorship" you mean elected body, then yes.

"crossing the floor on the basis of principle is almost entirely unheard of and considered to be little better than treason"

The last time a member of the ruling Coalition -- and not the opposition parties, which vote against Coalition legislation frequently -- crossed the floor was about a year ago, but internal dissent scuppered some immigration laws this year. Anyway, since when was the measure of a democracy the lack of discipline of the ruling party? What's undemocratic about an elected ruling party voting for its own legislation? On the contrary, if, after being elected with a majority in both houses, the government were unable to make new laws, that would be a failure of democracy.

"with none of the individual rights in our Constitution"

Our constitution may suck, but Australia is still a free country. Freedom House rated us a 1 1, meaning we have an excellent record on both civil liberties and political rights.

Come to Australia. Our GDP per capita is higher than the major European countries', and our Human Development Index is third in the world -- behind only Iceland and Norway.

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With your bare hands?!?
