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Comment Re:Just coat them with plutonium (Score 4, Interesting) 668

The return can be quite well if you know what you are doing. When I worked in Springfield, IL as an apartment maintenance guy, we had a rash of air conditioner coil thefts. So much so that on a lot of our buildings we had moved to roof mounted units. The guy stealing the copper knew exactly what to unbolt to slide that coil right out and run. We were not the only apartments to lose these, either. Even businesses were getting hit.

Comment Re:LTE != 4G (Score 1) 303

there is no "4G" as of yet, but if anything, LTE would be exactly what is required. It is also, by design, more scalable while using less resources than HSDPA+ As of now they are still working on what "4G" actually defines, and until then, it is nothing more than a marketing term.

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