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Comment Re:Plantar Fasciitis? (Score 4, Insightful) 204

Planter Faciitis is a common overuse injury lots of runners get as well. Anytime you are using/overusing muscles in a way your body is unaccustomed to it can cause problems. Still, problems caused by exercise, usually have simple solutions, like easing up a little or adding a different exercise to compensate. Overall your risks of health problems are far greater from lack of exercise than from an overuse injury.

I say if you are interested in a standing desk, try it out, but have a backup sitting station as your body gets accustomed to it's newly used muscles.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 3, Interesting) 411

As someone with a very basic understanding of plugins (we have a custom toolbar we roll out with internal apps and links) I can tell you it is an issue. As an add-on developer you have to build into the toolbar "this add-on is good for FF versions x through y" that is in an xml file required for the toolbar to run. So you as a developer have 2 options you can say that your toolbar will work with version 1 through 999999 and just hope that a firefox update really doesn't ever break your add-on OR you can update it with every release ensuring that it works with the new version and require your users / (admins in corp environment) to update the add-on every time. Both of the above options have there drawbacks.

My major issue with the firefox team is that they changed the rules in the middle of the game. It used to be that if I put this add-on will work with this new version it would be good for about a year. Now I need to add in 6 weeks per version so if i want it to be good for a year I divide 52 weeks by 6 week major upgrade cycle and add 8.6~9 to the version number for it to work for about a year. All of this is assuming Mozilla doesn't change there major release version system again. If they decide to go back to the old way then my add-on will last for 9 years and will almost certainly be broken by a release at some point along the way.

Comment Re:Just turn off the car? (Score 4, Interesting) 911

As someone who used to "sneak in" when I was out past curfew. I can tell you it is possible to turn off a car and coast into your driveway while making a turn without power steering and power brakes. It is much more difficult, but doable if you know to expect it. The part about some steering wheels locking up is true, but if you leave the key in the accessory position it should still work. In any event as a driver I much prefer manual (more fun and safer in this case). Save the Manuals!


Comment Re:why? (Score 2, Insightful) 192

Wow what a pain that would be to administer such a landlocked system. Patching, backups, updating the content, accessing the content. What do they do when they want to access the file to mix it, or to distribute, publish the new song. What do they do when they get a new artist signed and it's time to add a song to the collection. Send in Joe the Admin with his thumbdrive to download or upload the needed song. I agree with you that there security is beyond poor, but land-locking the entire system as a solution to me doesn't seem like the best course of action.

Filmmakers Reviving Sci-fi By Going Old School 422

jjp9999 writes "The special effects arms race sci-fi films get stuck in has pulled the genre further and further from its roots of good storytelling and forward-thinking. The problem is that 'When you create elements of a shot entirely in a computer, you have to generate everything that physics and the natural world offers you from scratch There's a richness and texture when you're working with lenses and light that can't be replicated. The goal of special effects shouldn't necessarily be to look realistic, they should be works of art themselves and help create a mood or tell a story.' said filmmakers Derek Van Gorder and Otto Stockmeier. They hope to change this with their upcoming sci-fi film, 'C,' which will be shot entirely without CGI or green screens, opting instead for miniature models and creativity. They add that the sci-fi genre has gone wrong in other ways—getting itself stuck in too many stories of mankind's conflict with technology, and further from the idea of exploration and human advancement. 'In an era where science and technology are too often vilified, we believe that science-fiction should inspire us to surpass our limits and use the tools available to us to create a better future for our descendants,' they said."

Comment Re:Limits (Score 5, Interesting) 611

My wife uses Groupon all the time and so by extension I use Groupons. I hate them for precisely the GPs reason. Retailers ask if you are using a Groupon. If you say yes you almost always get substandard treatment/products. The companies who use Groupon overextend themselves and then hire temps or decrease quality to cover for their mistake. It's bad for businesses and bad for customers. The only one it's good for is Groupon.
The Internet

Former Wikileaks Spokesman Destroyed Documents 469

bs0d3 writes "Former Wikileaks spokesman Daniel Domscheit-Berg claims to have destroyed more than 3,500 unpublished files that had been sent from unknown informants and are now apparently lost irrevocably. Among the files destroyed are the US gov's 'no-fly list' and inside information from 20 right wing organizations. Daniel Domscheit-Berg is now known as one of the founders of openleaks."

Submission + - Earth May Once Had Two Moons (space.com)

AaronW writes: According to a story at space.com, Earth may once have had two moons. The smaller moon, estimated to be 750 miles (1200km) wide and only 4% of the mass of the larger moon, crashed into the far side of the larger moon which caused the features we see today on the moon. The surface of the far side of the moon is quite different than the side facing the earth, having a different composition and a much rougher terrain.

Comment Re:Upstream? (Score 2) 175

Not sure if you are trolling but, No, LEDs are not capable of receiving data or acting as inputs. In the summary they used the example of streaming video where of course the monitor doesn't need to send and data back. The summary said they use a simple photo diode to receive. Light Emitting Diodes and Photo Diodes are 2 separate distinct things.

Comment Re:Key Based passwords: memorable, always unique (Score 1) 340

I agree with AC how about something like first letter last letter of the domain

facebook becomes --> fd0nT+A2eM3bR0!k
or if you really want to get fancy
*f*aceboo*k*.co*m* becomes --> kd0nT+A2eM3bR0!fm

then you know how to generate your passwords but if the bad guy that gets one pw is still in the dark about your system.
Now if he gets 2 different passwords you are likely exposed.

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