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Hardware Hacking

History of the LED — the Movie 106

ptorrone writes "MAKE Magazine has a fantastic 'Connections'-style video called THE LED — The short documentary has the history of the LED to modern day applications. Starting with the work of Russian Oleg Vladimirovich Losev, which was largely ignored in the 1920s, to making your own 'Cat's Whisker' — a primitive LED made from a metal-semiconductor point-contact junction forming a Schottky barrier diode. The first practical visible-spectrum LED was developed in 1962 by Nick Holonyak Jr., while working at General Electric Company."

Submission + - Re-Engineering Engineering

theodp writes: "In its College Issue, the NYT Magazine profiles tuition-free Olin College, which is building a different breed of engineer, stressing creativity, teamwork and entrepreneurship — and, in no small part, courage. But questions remain as to whether the industry is ready for the freethinking products of Olin, and vice versa — few of the class of 2006 are going on to grad study in engineering or jobs in the field."

Submission + - Where are all the hdtv tuners?

An anonymous reader writes: Today I read about rabbit ears making a comeback with OTA HTDV. I want to purchase a standalone ATSC HDTV tuner to go with my projector, but I am having a very hard time finding one. The big-box stores seem to only stock one or two models and are frequently sold out. Searching online yields similar results. It would seem that there would be ever increasing demand for these tuners given that many HDTVs were sold without internal tuners in years past and these tuners will be necessary for all old NTSC TVs after the February, 2009 shutdown of analog broadcasts. Where should I look to buy one of these devices? Of the currently available models, which are the best? Will the standalone HDTV tuner become a ubiquitous item as the 2009 deadline approaches?

Submission + - Getting in to a Top Tier College

An anonymous reader writes: I'm currently a senior at a top rated public school and I look forward to majoring in electrical engineering. I've already been accepted into Carnegie Mellon University, so I don't need to worry about any "safety" schools. However, I still have my sights set on getting into a school such as MIT or Caltech. My grades are high (95.6 on a 100 scale) and I have several leadership positions in clubs. But I'm pretty sure that's not enough. So I ask Slashdot: What else can I do to improve my chances of being accepted there? I've already been deferred from early action at both institutions and I'm afraid it's too late to do much at this point. However, I'm sure there are other Slashdot users wondering just what it takes to go in a top college today.

Comment So long Mr. Kilby and thanks for all the fish. (Score 1) 197

You will be dearly Missed out at TI, where I caught a passing glance of you. It is out there where your legacy will live on forever. The posters and banners displaying your legacy will always be there. No one knows what will become of your office where you encouraged so many young engineers. But I can only hope that something good will become of it.

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Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to relinquish the spheroid. - Indiana University fans' chant for their perennially bad football team
