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Comment Planescape:Torment is $5 on (Score 1) 90 DRM free, it appears

Platinum rating running under Wine:

If you're ok with 90s graphics and the fact that this is much more an interactive novel than hack n slash, there's absolutely no reason not to check it out.

Comment Re:This is OUR fault. WE did this. (Score 1) 475

Al Qaeda was formed as an extremist religious militia from the get-go. They weren't created to fight Sadam, they were created to amass power for Osama, and force the world to kneel at the feet of Islam.

Try again. They were created to fight Soviet Russia. We provided them--along with a bunch of other anti-Soviet forces--with weapons. The US army has recovered these weapons from the dead bodies of al-Qaeda fighters. Osama didn't declare war on America and the rest of the world until after the King of Saudi Arabia laughed in his face.

If it makes you sleep better at night believing that evil humans are born evil, all evil humans are friends with each other and no one ever changes loyalties, go right ahead. You'll forgive me, though, if the first thing I aim for when the revolution comes is your head (and everyone like you.)

Oh yes, I own several guns. And I am vehemently anti-gun control. Anti-welfare, anti-abortion (gasp!) and pro-small government, too.

Re: my sig, the people at the Boston Tea party were "terrorists". Every soldier in the Revolution was a "terrorist" fighting his lawful ruler. The leaders of my government were being "terrorists" when they firebombed Dresden and Tokyo, and nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Every anti-Saddam Iraqi fighter was a 'terrorist'.

And this isn't an apology for assholes like Osama! Far from it; it's a cry for sanity and perspective. When dumbasses like yourself assume that all the evil people in the world are working in unison, we wind up with situations like the current one--a neverending war that's destroying our economy, against a (now-deposed) regime that was ENEMIES with al-Qaeda, while his birth country (Saudi Arabia) AND THE BIRTH COUNTRY OF 90% OF THE HIGHJACKERS gets rich selling us oil and the country that supported him (Afghanistan) continues its fundamentalist, theocratic ways.

The 'terrorist' label is a misdirection of epic proportions. We are assuming the wrong motives; we are fighting the wrong wars. The world is a complex place. A cry for perspective and perception is not the same as pacifism. There ARE wars we should be fighting, and I've never claimed otherwise.

But go ahead--go back to painting me as a mindless liberal. Go back to pretending that every military decision the USA government has ever made is unquestionably correct.

What the fuck nationality are you, anyway? Not enough subtlety or language skills to be a Brit. Aussie, perhaps? Expat former American?

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