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User Journal

Journal Journal: Litmus test for the slant of the media

How many times have you ever read or heard of a government or group being described as "rightist", "Right wing", "Right leaning", "Facist" etc. in the media?

How many times have you ever read or heard of a government or group being described as "Socialist", "Leftist", "Left leaning", "Communist" etc. in the media?

What would this indicate?

User Journal

Journal Journal: He's already won?

It's interesting how the mass media repeat the idea that in polls "most respondents believe Bush will be reelected." Even in some polls where more respondents opposed him, the greater number of them are reported as believing he'd win anyway.

Surely, they couldn't be trying to impress upon everyone who would otherwise vote against Bush that "You may as well not vote because he's already won."


User Journal

Journal Journal: Politics and the "people"

Has there ever been a presidential candidate who appealed to your intellect as opposed to your emotions? Has there ever been a party that has? Has there ever been a political commercial that has? How about a politician?

What implications do the answers to these questions have on the sincerity and truth of your political system?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Just as you are

How many times have you ever been told "You're fine just the way you are." ?
User Journal

Journal Journal: The unimaginable

Why is it so easy for us to believe that other governments abuse and destroy their own people, yet it's forbidden to think the same is possible of our own?

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After Goliath's defeat, giants ceased to command respect. - Freeman Dyson
