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Comment They should do it Sony Style (Score 1) 406

Include all the awesome features everyone wants on the box art, and put an insert inside that reads something like "By the way, we disabled all those nice features for uh, security reasons or something. What did you expect? We're Sony, and that's the Sony Style."

Then they can include a root kit virus on the pack-in demo disc.

Comment about time (Score 2) 747

Finally. It was a stupid idea to begin with. I should be able to time-shift all my content without renting a crippleware box from the cableco. 2 months for china to make capture hardware, 6 month for an open source driver to mature, another 6 months for support to stabalize in mythtv, plus some time for it to make it into the distros. Maybe a year and a half before I can refresh my mythboxen. Yeah.

The Military

Military Personnel Weigh In On Being Taliban In Medal of Honor 171

SSDNINJA writes "This is a feature from gamrFeed that interviews nine US service members about playing as the Taliban in the upcoming Medal of Honor. One soldier states that games like MoH and Call of Duty are 'profiteering from war.' Another says, 'Honestly, I don't really see what the whole fuss is about. It's a game, and just like in Call of Duty, you don't really care about what side you're taking, just as long as you win. I don't think anyone cares if you're part of the Rangers or Spetznaz, as long as you win.' An excellent and interesting read."
Classic Games (Games)

Sega To Bring Dreamcast Titles to PSN, Xbox Live 158

Sega announced yesterday that it plans to bring back a number of popular Dreamcast games, updating them and releasing them for download on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi will come first, with further announcements expected after E3. "Both of the games will be based on the Dreamcast originals, but will be updated with high-definition graphics, surround sound, online leaderboards, and Achievement and Trophy support." Kotaku has a list of other titles they hope to see — what game(s) would you like Sega to bring back?

Comment Entertainment potential (Score 0, Flamebait) 555

Read your mail from a VM. Hand them a jump drive with your .vmdx & .vmx files, and see if they can figure out what to do with it.

Note this is purely for entertainment value, since that is about all an 1d10t wanna-be it staffer is good for. The reality is, they either A: want you to work from home, and will provide whatever is required to do so, or B: They don't want you to work from home, so don't work from home.

Comment Wow, its amature hour on ask slashdot (Score 1) 260

First off, no redundant PSU because they "don't have the capacity"? You not only need a UPS, you need an electrician.

Second, no sizing data? What is the peak load at startup per rack? What is the average running load per rack?

What would be your ideal runtime?

How many racks?

Peak Load will tell you how large a UPS you need (in KVA), Average load and run time will tell you how many expansion batteries you need to buy.

Buy the management card for your UPS and configure it to send you email alerts. While you're at it load the client software on your VMs so they know when to gracefully shutdown.

Ask your electrician if you need 3phase or 2phase (my money's on 2 for you)

Then get the electrician to install enough dedicate power circuits to drive your new UPS(s). While you're at it, ground the racks.

Then call your AC guy, because once you've done enough math to buy a UPS you'll have enough data to correctly size the AC in your server room.

When you find out management doesn't care about extended recovery time and data loss, and they shoot down the CAPEX for your UPS project, you can focus on things that really matter: good backups and your resume.


A Hyper-Velocity Impact In the Asteroid Belt? 114

astroengine writes "Astronomers have spotted something rather odd in the asteroid belt. It looks like a comet, but it's got a circular orbit, similar to an asteroid. Whether it's an asteroid or a comet, it has a long, comet-like tail, suggesting something is being vented into space. Some experts think it could be a very rare comet/asteroid hybrid being heated by the sun, but there's an even more exciting possibility: It could be the first ever observation of two asteroids colliding in the asteroid belt."

Psystar Activation Servers Down? 245

An anonymous reader writes "I purchased Rebel EFI in support of Psystar's crusade back in October. Just 3 short months later, I have no support. I found this out when I upgraded my hard drive and installed Snow Leopard using Rebel EFI. The program can no longer 'phone home' to activate or download/install drivers. This is a direct contradiction to Psystar's promise posted on their website: 'Psystar will continue to support all of its existing customers of hardware and software through this transitional period. Warranties on hardware will continue to be honored as long the customer has a valid warranty. Rebel EFI support for existing customers, as always, will remain exclusively available through email and the built-in ticket interface.' Has anyone else run into this issue? It has been 9 days with no response from Psystar by e-mail or phone."

Comment Happens all the time (Score 1) 386

I see this happen all the time, just not usually with something as high profile as a new movie release.

Usually its some CAD/CAM or engineering package secured by some vendor customized variation on FlexLM. Every time they buy a new seat, rev the version, or a product comes up for renewal, we can expect an extended service outage while the vendor tries to issue a valid set of keys. More often than not, the first set they issue doesn't work, the support group isn't authorized to issue keys, and the group/individual that can issue keys doesn't work on days that end in Y, or only during banking hours in india.

Comment mixed bag, depends on the user (Score 1) 720

Windows 7 will be a huge success for home users that bought Vista boxes and are in desperate need of relief.

I've been running it in an experimental vm since RC, and now thats its RTM I can honestly say it doesn't suck as bad as Vista.

However, it still has the same core flaw that kept Vista from passing our initial predeployment testing. IT staff can't run it. Sure, you can surf the net on it, or RDP into a machine you can actually do work on, but as an IT person its a pretty useless environment to try to work in. adminpak hacks from vista aren't as useful as they used to be, and the rsat is pretty limited unless you've magically replaced every last server with windows2008R2 since last week. (which BTW, you can't because Windows2008R2 doesn't support ANY shipping version of exchange).

If you can somehow bypass IT and give it to end users, particularly the dolts that only run 3-4 apps in their entire work day yet somehow have fantastically overpowered workstations, they might just like it. But then you get back to the original problem: how do you support an OS in deployment that you can't run in IT.


US Colleges Say Hiring US Students a Bad Deal 490

theodp writes "Many US colleges and universities have notices posted on their websites informing US companies that they're tax chumps if they hire students who are US citizens. 'In fact, a company may save money by hiring international students because the majority of them are exempt from Social Security (FICA) and Medicare tax requirements,' advises the taxpayer-supported University of Pittsburgh (pdf) as it makes the case against hiring its own US students. You'll find identical pitches made by the University of Delaware, the University of Cincinnati, Kansas State University, the University of Southern California, the University of Wisconsin, Iowa State University, and other public colleges and universities. The same message is also echoed by private schools, such as John Hopkins University, Brown University, Rollins College and Loyola University Chicago."

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