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Comment Re:What's being 'silenced' here? (Score 5, Informative) 54

The idea is to down-regulate the production of protein(s) that induce cellular senescence in chronic wounds, for example. The short interfering RNA molecules are fragile. The article is touting a potentially more effective delivery system (gun), rather than a particular fragment (bullet).

Comment Does not apply (Score 1) 278

I see "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries" in the US Constitution. I don't see "compensation for each individual's enjoyment of each work." Mr. Bronfman is neither an Author nor an Inventor, and I can assure him that I do not enjoy any of his music.

Suitable Naming Conventions For Workstations? 688

spectre_240sx writes "We've discussed server naming a fair amount in the past, but I haven't seen much about workstations. Where I currently work, we embed a lot of information in our workstation names: site, warranty end date, machine type, etc. I'm of the opinion that this is too much information to overload in the machine name when it can more suitably be stored in the computer description. I'd love to hear how others are naming their workstations and some pros and cons for different naming schemes. Should computers be logically tied to the person that they're currently assigned to, or does that just cause unnecessary work when a machine changes hands? Do the management tools in use make a difference in how workstations are named?"

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And it should be the law: If you use the word `paradigm' without knowing what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail. No exceptions. -- David Jones
