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United States

Submission + - Court rules U.S. currency unconstitutional.

DeadboltX writes: An article on Reuters outlines a court case that may change the way the U.S. dollar looks in the near future.

"The U.S. government discriminates against blind people because American currency is not designed to be distinguishable to visually impaired people, a federal judge said on Tuesday."
The American Council of the Blind suggested such alterations as varying the size of different bills, raised printing and braille.
The U.S. government requested the case be dismissed, saying that the changes requested to the paper currency would be "expensive, could render currency more vulnerable to counterfeiting and could undermine international acceptance of the U.S. dollars"
The judge rejected the request and ordered a hearing in 30 days to discuss possible solutions.

If currency were changed to be blind-friendly, giving them more freedom to use money without assistance, do you think it would be abused? Can you imagine a shop keeper using a ballpoint pen to induce extra braille dots onto a $1 bill to make the blind person think it is a $20?
What do you think, is changing the dollar for the visually impaired a good idea?

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