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Comment Re:So let me get this straight... (Score 1) 195


* LightSquared gets an assignment of free spectrum
* LightSquared invests tons of money
* The GPS industry has been violating FCC rules by not filtering out non-GPS spectrum _as they are required to_ on all devices. Independent tests say 75% are not FCC-compliant
* The FCC performs tests with models chosen from said 75%
* The FCC states that the risk is too large and destroys LightSquared's business model, assets and tells them they are not allowed to use their spectrum.

Now, I do get the safety aspect. This is valid.

In my opinion, the willful neglect by the GPS manufacturers requires them to fix it at own cost. It does _not_ make if OK for the FCC to destroy LightSquared. As much as I disagree with the sue-happy stance in the USA, this is a valid way to recoup their losses.

Comment Re:So people really have this much time and money? (Score 1) 377

> As for aiming... yes, it is trivial. The Mariana Trench is very big, and GPS quite precise.


> > > There is no possibility of anyone getting it back,
> > Correct. No one ever went down there. Especially not robots.
> Three times in total


> Not much down there. Just lots and lots of water, and very little life.

You don't know that. Touching down stirred up loads of silt so people couldn't see anything.

> Water that takes a very long time to circulate to the surface.

That is true.

> It's a perfect disposal site. Deposit-only, no withdrawals. Cheap. The only place that might get contaminated is a vast expanse of uninhabited nothing.

Based on our current knowledge and even then it's not even close to an undisputed fact.
As we have vast amounts of experience dealing with time frames that are several times longer than even the farthest reaches recorded history, this one is a no-brainer.

What is your take on faster-than-light travel and endless energy? We could use some help there, as well.

Comment Re:So people really have this much time and money? (Score 1) 377

> The easiest would be to just put it in boxes and throw it down the Mariana Trench.

No risk of an accident at sea; storms never happen. Aiming is trivial, as well.

> There is no possibility of anyone getting it back,

Correct. No one ever went down there. Especially not robots.

> and if it ever comes back up naturally it'll be long after safe decay.

Again, correct. The only natural way for it to come up is by the boxes growing feet and walking to shore. No other way. And no contamination of whatever is down there, either.

> The problem is political: Throwing nuclear waste in the ocean violates international law, and for some reason no politician wants to start the process of changing that.


I just have one question: Are you being sarcastic and why did people mod you insightful instead of funny?

Comment Fuck Phoronix (Score 1) 145

I see the sensationalist and wrong headline; the blurb is folded in.

I click expand and, lo behold, it's an anonymous submission that links to Phoronix. Yet. Again.

I guess none of the mods will read this anyway, but why can't we let this cesspool die by ignoring it into oblivion?

Comment Re:Multi-step plan (Score 1) 499

btrfs is simply not there, yet.

My off-site git-annex machine uses zfs-fuse with RAIDZ2 and copies=2.

Just because I can reasonably assume that one location is safe does not mean that I can't use a tool to manage and verify all copies automagically ;)
Especially since my laptop does not have any checksumming FS but I still need to use it to make copies while on the road.

Comment Actually useful advice here (Score 2) 1016

I am going to be boring and tell you what I learned from the founder of a data recovery company.

1) One single pass of zeros is enough. urandom if you want to be paranoid.
2) If you want, or need (auditing, etc), to physically destroy the drives: Bend the platters. As soon as the platters are bent, you can not spin them for data extraction, any more. Keeping in mind the distance between head and platters, even the slightest bend becomes irreparable. And as soon as you can't spin them, you are looking at scanning the whole platter without any fancy off-the-shelf controller logic.

According to him, those are the only two cases when they tell the customer over the phone that they don't even have to bother sending the disks in.

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