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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 9 declined, 0 accepted (9 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Intel to replace passwords with handwaving (

tbonefrog writes: "Intel is building a biometric palm scanner into laptops and tablets. Just off the top of my head, use of this technology to 'replace passwords' has a few flaws: no information on how to register a user, what if I injure my hand, what if my palm data gets stolen, who is going to correlate palms with fingerprints, if they want my laptop do they have to also cut off my hand..."

Submission + - NASA peddling science fiction to minors (

tbonefrog writes: NASA plans to hire propagandists (sci-fi novelists) to subject impressionable young minds to story lines calculated to inflate the Agency's budget over time. I'm willing to bet there won't be a lot of stories about how cool it is do to science with robots as opposed to human exploration. Maybe we'll even throw in some space aliens, and 70 virgins to all the heroes who get snookered into flying on a death trap to die on Mars.

Submission + - fake amazon login page

tbonefrog writes: has a link to amazon to buy their book on hacking web applications. When on the real-looking amazon web page i clicked on 'add to wish list' and proceeded to enter my email and password. After I got done I was asked to enable popups, which amazon does not do. I also noticed that instead of the lock icon in the lower right corner of the screen there was a lock with a diagonal line across it. I'm just wondering how much damage was done in the minute or so it took me to change my amazon password.

Submission + - space shuttle

tbonefrog writes: "Has the possibility for preventing another Columbia disaster during certain stages of reentry by utilizing the flight controls to reduce the dive angle, resulting in surviving reentry even if reaching the earth's surface wildly off course. This would have to be planned for in advance and by the use of simulations. I'm not sure any action would have saved Columbia but if there was an opportunity to save the astronauts, even if the shuttle sank in the ocean, it should be available for future shuttle missions"

Submission + - is down

tbonefrog writes: is down, for over 12 hours. Does anyone have any information on when, why, where?

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