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Comment Re:Vectrex (Score 3, Insightful) 492

No, to you they were just pointless frustration. For some it was a great challenge that, if the game was solid, made you want to play longer, get better and beat the game. Something that because of the difficulty was actually an accomplishment that was "cool" to use lingo from back in the day. It was actually something that a small percentage of those who owned the game had been able to do. Unlike today where if someone says, hey I beat blahblah, 90% or more of those who played or owned the game say yeah, me too. I completely agree that there are many things we have gotten away from in games because they are outdated, etc. However I completely disagree that is the case with difficulty, especially in certain genres of games.

Comment Re:Oh, like my mother (Score 3, Insightful) 780

There are always exceptions to the rule. Notice in the summary it says "iPad owners tend to be...", not "All iPad owners...". Either way it is simply a study. Why are so many getting their panties in a bunch? Are people feeling guilty that they might actually fit this general profile of an iPad owner?

Comment Re:Uh... (Score 2, Informative) 121

Yes, they are setting a 3 year limit. I'm not talking about what they are "SAYING", I'm talking about what they are setting up to support in legal terms. People can say whatever they want. You can sign your house over to someone in your family while they are "saying" they will never kick you out and sell the house. However if at anytime they decide to do so they can and will.

Comment Re:Uh... (Score 1) 121

"Assuming the punters are still happy to play, and the game is still working with their systems, they would be nuts to arbitrarily pull old games out of circulation just because they can......" Yes, but at what point will they decide that the number of people still happy to play the game isn't enough to incur the costs of keeping that game running? If I pay for a game I expect to be able to play it as long as I would like. I still love playing Red Orchestra via Steam. However, it is well past 3 years and the player/server numbers are very low. This is a situation where they wouild be well within their rights and possibly see pulling the game as the financially correct thing to do. I'm sorry but for me it is imperative that if they want to set this 3 year limit you have the ability to download the game locally. I'm amazed to see consumers defending such a model.

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