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Comment Re:Non News (Score 1) 127

Ah - Doh on the Synonyms part. Just saw you linked to the definition of synonym itself.
But also says it "was" a synonym for it, not that it is.

In a factory I suppose it's more likely say you assemble something. But at the same time you did create another copy.

It seems you mistake "creative" and "create". You don't have to be creative to create something.
Yes I agree "creative" implies inventing something "unique". Create doesn't.

So you're not creative if you copy something but you do create a copy.

Comment Re:Non News (Score 1) 127

Don't find support for "The East" and "The Soviet Empire" to be synonyms. But you say they are listed as such so I'll just believe that.

However the factory workers create the individual copies. The definition of "Creator" doesn't imply uniqueness either.

But if you want create to be "creating the design" I can agree. Then I create my own copy from your design.
Still not stealing though. :)

Comment Re:5 man content (Score 1) 156

Seems like you got some of the problems at least.

I didn't like the idea of LFR to begin with but I guess there is a point to it. However what we get now from Blizzard is four levels of the same RAID, from LFR to Heroic and no new instances at all since release. They got a few scenarios though but I honestly hate them and they're not the old five mans in any way.

And daily grinds are indeed crap. I hate dailies and then they make them mandatory over time. At least they make them too important. I'd love to have normal quests I can run around and finish off instead. I can't pretend dailies are real content. It's all just Blizzard being lazy, just as with not creating five man dungeons.

And talents as I wrote in a reply to one of your replies. I can't really feel they make a difference at the moment. Also being lazy I suppose.

Blizzard got too lazy.

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