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Comment Web Server development (Score 3, Insightful) 263

I remember when Perl was the workhouse behind all custom web server development. One of the few times I had "fun" writing code. Such a cryptic looking language that made perfect sense the moments you are writing it and completely alien days later.

Comment Real performance gained with multi-process arch. (Score 1) 404

Multi-process is the scalable architecture of choice. You get the same advantage of utilizing all available cores within a given hardware context as well as the ability to expand across multiple hardware contexts. Hardware still gets limited eventually by memory, cores, network throughput, disk, etc. Multi-process allows you to utilize more pieces of hardware to scale up your system.

Multi-threading unnecessarily complicates the ability to develop, debug and maintain a program and is still limited within the hardware context it's running. If you want real, scalable performance that isn't bottlenecked by cores, memory or other hardware context limitations, design for multi-process architectures.

Comment How many drop-out BioChemists or Doctors? (Score 1) 716

How many Bio-chemists or Doctors do you know that are college drop-outs?

The whole "drop out" is a farce rationalization by people looking for an easy way to financial wealth. Almost always you have technologists, business or artistic type people used as "successful" examples of the whole "college doesn't matter" supporters which makes sense because the actual skill and resources used to be successful in those kinds of ventures can be learned outside of college with resources readily available for those interested in those particularly career paths. Bandwidth, paints, computing hardware, brushes, ideas are all readily available at the individual's fingertips; all that's needed is vision, passion, persistence and hard work.

You can't and won't learn bio-chemistry or how to do surgical procedures at home as is true with many ventures. And the reality is most people won't have the fortune of great ideas, capital and luck timing to realize an amazing idea that turns them into independently wealthy, successful "drop out" examples.

Yes, there are examples of people who have become wildly successful while being a college drop-out in certain fields. What will still be required for even those rare examples is hard work, focus, persistence in the face of adversity and fortuitousness timing which most "drop out" enthusiasts are most likely looking to avoid and skip to the "successful" part.

Comment Re:Standardized Remote Touchscreen API (Score 1) 445

Linux is free yet still hardly registers as a blip on the Desktop radar. It's only been recently with the standardization of Android as the smartphone platform of choice has Linux finally gained significance to the general consumer outside of the server room and enthusiast crowd.

Widespread adoption requires standardization.

Comment Re:Standardized Remote Touchscreen API (Score 1) 445

I imagine something wireless that doesn't require a physical connection. I personally love my remote/keyless entry and start and want to extend that convenience to the interface with my smartphone to my in-dash output. I don't want to have to manually plug anything in or fetch a cable. Just simply the presence is enough to activate.

Comment Re:Standardized Remote Touchscreen API (Score 1) 445

I view it as something akin to HTML which is versatile and flexible without being company/brand specific. In this case, there are many different parties involved. Making it "free" like Linux just causes fragmentation and won't create the adoptive critical mass to make it useful for the general population.

Comment Rote lecturing is dead (Score 2) 98

Rote lecturing as the primary education tool is hopefully on the way out. Teachers in the form of Coaches and Mentors are needed more than ever to help guide and inspire the future generations. I agree with you, this should be a hands-on, two-way interaction and for engineering, can definitely be that way even regardless of geography.

Comment Re:A great time to be an aspiring engineer! (Score 1) 98

As a follow-up...

I remember doing some proof-of-concept testing on a new exotic piece of hardware for running Ultima Online servers in 1999. It was an 8 CPU (the idea of "cores" wasn't a common notion then) machine costing close to $100,000. We decided to stick with our existing configuration of using four quad-CPU machines which were far cheaper comparatively speaking.

Today, I can easily purchase and build my own 24+ core server machine at a fraction of that price and that's assuming I don't simply just rent some "cloud space" (yes, I feel a little dirty saying that haha) for my back-end processing needs. Mindblowing!

Comment A great time to be an aspiring engineer! (Score 3, Interesting) 98

I've been in the game development industry for 18 years now having had the honor of being a major part of great projects like League of Legends and Ultima Online. My original training from the university was COBOL on big iron mainframes but as soon as I started coding professional, I knew I wanted to be a game developer. The public Internet was only accessible if you knew a local ISP and could get your Trumpet Winsock or equivalent configured correctly, Linux was just a quirky, novel whisper, Windows was still 3.11 and a TERRIBLE gaming platform, game publishers controlled the funding (and thus controlled the developers) and games were, for the most part, sold in boxes at brick and mortar store.

Despite having only had one semester of C in college (and never even heard of C++), I would rush home each night to hack away learning game programming from Andre Lamothe's Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus on my Gateway P90 (The Cow!) and landed my first job pretending to know C++ with a crappy demo I created for the interview.

Fast forward 18 years. Nearly unlimited bandwidth and online distribution capabilities, cheap hosting, many open platforms (from the point of view you don't have to get Publisher buy-in or permission) like Windows, Mac, Linux, Facebook, Android, iPhone for which to develop and run games. High quality game engines, tools and backends are available (Unity, Allegro, SDL, Apache, Glassfish, JBoss, MySQL, Flash, CSS/Javascript, etc). Even funding is now democratic and open with Kickstarter and YCombinator and not gated by publishers. The only limitation is one's ability to inspire people with a great idea. And for those wanting to delve further into hardware, we even have Arduino.

For me personally... I'm on the verge of launching my own personal cross-platform MMO built from the ground up that will run on just about any and every possible comuting platform on the planet and have the potential to reach anyone and everyone around the globe. I never would have dreamed that was possible 18 years ago! It's breathtaking...

Truly an amazing time to be an aspiring engineer!

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