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Comment Re:Why Bother? (Score 1) 196

I don't think this is true In any event, since you (and other people who say the same thing) don't give examples, hard to evaluate yur claim in my work on over 100 articles, ahve seen very few , if any, cases where new people were really driven away - all of my rejected edits, each a child I felt sorrowful about, probably deserved, in the cold light of day, to be rejected. sure you are not just sour grapes ? or, one of the many wierd people who think that the earth is flat, or intelligent design is sicence, or whatever ?

Comment typical slashdot arrogance (Score 1) 196

most of the posts reflect a typical slashdot arrogance - we know computers, therefore the way we do things is better. I'm not gonna argue this fight, which is older and more bitter then vi/emacs, or even the unix haters handbook, but I will observe, for those interested in reality: Most of the people who use wiki are not computer people for most of these people, an MS word style editor will be easier to use , esp if it has good citation/ref features builtin, then current or any sort of HTML to put it another way, the 100million potential new wiki users would have to spend 10 hours each to get *comfortable* with html, when they already know word. so thats roughly 10^9 wasted hours. I speculate that the wikimedia team can make a good editor in 10^9 man hours - a lot less. case closed this is like slashdotters saying that the avg person should use linux because they can..configure the sector size on the hard drive. hard to argue with someone like that.

Comment Re:From my VPS provider (Score 2) 186

This reminds me of a story from New hire is shown the server room: redundant hardened servers, redundant RAID drives, redundant airconditioners, power supplies, phone lines to call people... Comes in a few weeks later, power went out, no airconditioning, servers are toast. why no phone call to the large number of people supposed ot get called ? no redundant power on the phones....... I mean, what kind of a moron has backup diesel in the BASEMENT !!!! ON AN ISLAND !!! Ok, no one thinks of everything. acid test, do they move the generators to high ground.....

Comment Re:business failure (Score 1) 195

I'm reminded of the apocryphal IT support company that had a little test for new hires" the candidate was left in the waiting room with the "clueless" secretary, who would say, hey - are you here for the IT support posistion ? my printer isn't working. IF after many minutes of config type tests, you recommended partioning the drive and downloading linux, you failed If you crawled under the desk and figured out that the printer wasn't plugged into the wall, you passed as the engineers say, KISS

Comment DONT (Score 1) 195

do what is best for your business starting a business is so much harder then you think, and the odds are so stacked against you, that anything you do that isn't 100% focused on getting the biz up and running will kill you. decide what software you need; do not waste 1 second on open source if it ain't right

Submission + - Everything you have heard about Fast and Furious is totally wrong (

cinnamon colbert writes: I recently heard Katherine Eban talk about her reporting on “fast and furious” on the NPR show “The Connection” ( )
If she is right, those people who have been attacking Eric Holder (primarily D Issa and his committee in congress) has been perpetuating an enormous scam, a scam so large that it is astonishing

Under AZ law, it is legal for an 18 year old without a record to walk into a store and buy 20 AK47s with cash (apparently, stores advertise discounts for bulk purchases).
And, it is legal for that 18yro to walk outside and sell those guns to someone else.
The ATF was monitoring this, but under AZ and Fed law, they could arrest someone only if they had reasonable suspicion that one of the buyers had illegal goal: in the USA, you can't arrest someone cause you don't like em (at least in theory) or you suspect that they are a Drug Cartel Gun Buyer; you need evidence.
The ATF could also make an arrest if the saw that the guns were going across the border (a violation of export law).
The ATF agents were trying very, very hard to make cases, by monitoring and wiretapping, trying to build cases against this constant illegal activity (upwards of 2,000 guns a DAY go into mexico from the US)
However, due to these laws, in many cases they were unable to make a case; in one instance, a gun sale occurred on the Sat of MLK holiday, and by the time the ATF agents got wind of the sale, the guns were gone for 3 days.

Further, there have been accusations that there is a list of “2,000 guns” supposedly walked deliberatley into Mexico so that ATF agents could track the cartel.
Total lie – this is just a list the ATF compiled of LEGAL but questionable sales, those same sales they were trying as hard as they could to stop.
So, you can see the whole story that the ATF was letting known criminals make straw purchases so they could follow guns is a total perversion of the truth, which is that lax gun laws pushed by the NRA and GOP caused this problem.
Further, at least some of the ATF whistleblowers who testified to congress are suspect; one of them was not stationed in Phoenix , nor a part of FnF, and this agent had a long document history of antagonism with his superiors (complaining about the email ringtone on his computer, but, oddly, no complaints about FnF)

For reasons not entirely clear, the Obama admin is going along with this; it could be that they don’t want to upset the NRA/gun lobby prior to the election, or that they are incompetent (their inability to sell healthcare reform points to incompetence or arrogance).

Comment what is it about biotech (Score 0) 79

that brings out the 12 year old popular scientist kid lurking in every geek ? This is like so far from practical clincial use. Its fun to speculate, but we should be clear, this is *specualtion* and it is many years, and tens, if not hundreds of millions to get an FDA approved device. PS: I may not be able to spell, but I have a PhD in molecular biology, and understand stuff like highly conserved initiation factors with hyper modified histidine (hypusine) residues, the role of shine dalgarno....

Submission + - Time to switch from FireFox to chrome ?

cinnamon colbert writes: I discovered Firefox in version two, and left IE and opera in the dust; I was, in a micro way, an FF evangelist — I got lots of people hooked on FF.
Recently, FF has been crashing and freezing, a lot, and the kids tell me to switch to chrome.
I would say that at least once a day, I click on a link and *my entire computer* freezes until something happens — not just FF, which is frozen solid, but other programs and the Windows 7 OS
They have new revs on what seem like an hourly basis, yet basic functionality, like a usable way to deal with bookmarks (if you have more then 100) is totally lacking.
what do you think — time to put FF on the dusty silicon shelf ?
PS: as we should all remember, Google sends a lot of money to mozilla, and that money resulted in administrators getting higher salarys then coders. Perhaps the money was a slick google plot to turn FF into an MS like piece of code — slow, bloated, full of bugs with a lousy gui.

Comment why i no longer contribute (Score 4, Interesting) 194

I have a PhD in molecular biology, and have worked on articles about DNA; in some very, very obscure techniques used to study DNA, I was, for a brief period, a world authority. I no longer contribute to wiki for two reasons: 1) I have to keep correcting, and recorrecting, and re re re correcting stuff; after a while, it gets tiresome to ahve to deal with people who think that RAM is part of the keyboard... 2) The copyleft allows *for profit* webpages to use my work. I find this intolerable; my hard work is used to make some loathsome 1%er rich? I don't mind if non profits do it, but I will be Dam*** if i contribute to something that can be ripped off by for profits. I would also add that the huge amount of work needed to write in markup as opposed to wysiwyg is also a deterrent; perhaps th next gen wiki will fix this and the copy left part

Comment "calls for strict adherence to the constitution" (Score 0, Troll) 745

NO, he doesn't. He says, anything I Ron Paul agree with is constitutional, and anything I don't is not... I feel really sad that people are taken in by this guy eg, if Texas wants to enact a law saying gays and blacks have to sit at the back of the bus, thats OK with R Paul (although, come to think of it, that is Obama's posistion to; I wonder how many liberals praising Obama for being for gay marriage by state would praise obama if he saidn miscegenation laws should be left up to the states.)

Comment Media response (Score 1) 196

Before proposed change: The TSA is a broken agency, as every day thousands of Americans endure our broken security system...why isn't anyone in Washington working for the American people instead of the TSA bearuacracy ? After proposed change, first time someone gets a hangnail because of lax security Today, the TSA found itself under serious criticism from all sides, as it became clear that the lack of oversight by the agency has led to a hangnail on a passenger. Politicians in Washington are promsing hearings to look into this. Says Pundit Gasbag "it is clear that the TSA dropped the ball on this, and as a result, thousands of American lives are at risk every day"

Comment Does it matter that much, in real life (Score 1) 672

A lot of people are posting things like, nothing in biology makes sense without evolution. I'll stipulate that, but does it matter ? Take cutting edge drug discovery, where you sequence a person's DNA, xray crystal structure the protein, etc You can do all that and be a King James is inerrant fundamentalist To put it another way, how often in real life does knowing evolution matter ? Or, how many people understand registers, or nor gates, yet manage to use a computer. I also wonder how many silly things the many people on slashdot , who seem to be overwhelmingly critical of TN, believe. We are all human; lighten up; let he who is without sin (no silly beliefs) cast the first blog-stone

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