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Submission + - "Renewable" gasoline from bacteria!

ItsLenny writes: A San Carlos, CA based company called LS9 "The renewable petroleum company" developed a way to produce gasoline from bacteria.

Acording to MIT's Technology Review: "Next year LS9 will build a pilot plant in California to test and perfect the process, and the company hopes to be selling improved biodiesel and providing synthetic biocrudes to refineries for further processing within three to five years."

Submission + - Measured numbers follow logarithmic law

DancesWithWolves writes: Does your house address start with a 1? According to a strange mathematical law,about 1/3 of house numbers have 1 as their first digit. The same holds true for many other areas that have almost nothing in common: the Dow Jones index history, size of files stored on a PC, the length of the world's rivers, the numbers in newspapers' front page headlines, and many more.

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Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
