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Comment Happened to me (Score 2) 281

Within a month of buying my iPhone last year, we went camping. I put a lot of effort into preserving the battery so I could test out the compass feature the following morning and take photos all day. I didn't realize that in being unable to find a signal, it would _continuously attempt it_ all night. I had about 90% battery when we went to bed, woke up to about 5%. I was pretty unhappy with this discovery, where I previously figured they were smarter than that.

Comment I could use some advice (Score 1) 378

I've been a PSN user for several years, on account of owning a PSP. I was using Sony's MediaGo software and created the account to buy some DLC.

When they changed their TOS on April 1st, I declined them. My understanding from reading online was that Sony was supposed to refund whatever remaining money in the account and close it. As far as I can tell this never happened.

After those couple weeks later when they were hacked (multiple times), I received an email that my information had been among the millions of others jeopardized by Sony's lack of security. I emailed them back that I wanted nothing to do with them and to purge my information and close the account.

I played email tag for awhile as they refused to do it. I also called them a couple times (hold times were understandably long, so this required setting aside an hour minimum), and got the usual run around and contradicting excuses depending upon who I spoke to. I tried to elevate it to supervisors and they also refused. I cannot make any changes to the account, as I will not accept any iteration of their TOS. I have informed them of this numerous times. Sony's best offer was to ban the account--as if accessing my own information was ever the problem.

I've been waiting around for any news on the state of the class actions, and to see whether I can join. I have not forgotten this, but I don't know how to proceed. Is waiting on the outcome of a class action my only recourse here, or can I pursue this on my own?

Also note that I did not accept their token offer of free, valueless digital downloads, nor the credit service membership that they partnered with. I told them they can shove it. I would personally turn down a free copy of every game in existence if it meant that they would be held responsible and some new regulations would get passed to put Sony in their place. It's clear now they will do as little as possible for their users unless legally obligated, and are wont to treat our information like a commodity with no real reverence. I don't trust them having any of my information and regret that I ever offered it in the first place. I regret that there are no laws requiring that being able to remove our information should be as easy as submitting it.

I need suggestions on what to do, as I don't feel like letting them get away with this. It is amazing to me that they would come down on each of us for the slightest violation of their TOS, yet all this while they are holding my personal information despite being in breech of this same agreement.

Comment Re:Great work if you can get it (Score 1) 52

That's assuming they did ever turn a profit from Myspace. Somehow I doubt it ever made them enough to recoup.

Either way this is still Newscorp we're talking about. $500 million is not going to bust the company, and I sincerely doubt any one of their executives lost sleep over this loss.

Comment Re:Ha ha rupert (Score 1) 52

That's probably why it became popular. The development of social networking mirrors the rise and development of the internet. Myspace is to social networking what Geocities was to the early web.

Plus, it was 'the thing' to do if you were in a band, so just about everybody from major to indie was on there and that attracted a ton of their users.

Comment Re:Wake me up... (Score 1) 129

That's a trivial non-point. I'm sure it's a devious statement to make on Slashdot, but open software does not necessarily mean _better_ software. See Windows vs Linux, iPhone vs Android, Nintendo DS or PSP vs one of those Chinese handhelds, and of course Opera vs Firefox.

Opening Opera would gain absolutely nothing beyond appealing to OSS zealots, especially now that they've stolen/adopted Firefox's plugins model.

Comment Yet 90% of my web browsing is with Flash disabled (Score 1) 63

Over umpteen versions and so many years, and they still haven't added settings to disable audio (banners and embedded video commercials with audio enabled have become worse over time) and it has only grown increasingly bloated over hogging processing and memory. Thankfully Opera makes it simple and accessible to disable the plugin for the majority of browsing, or even on a per-site basis for the worst offenders. But these are things that Adobe should be implementing so users can take control of what plays on their PC.

One of the things I had to consider when I bought my iPhone recently was that it couldn't play Flash--and the more I debated this the more I realized that 99% of Flash on the web is now junk. Despite the occasional Flash game or intentionally viewing an embedded video, I suspect we would all be better off without it on most sites.

Comment So what? They could make that any time they want (Score 1) 210

They've been sitting on remaking FF7 for years. $150 million would probably be covered by just the initial release if they were to produce an updated version with modern tech.

Not that I care either way--I hated that game and pay less attention to Square with each year. But they _could_ do it any time if they only wanted to.

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