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Comment Re:Scaremongering? (Score 1) 132

Because small software fell out of favor some time ago. And it doesn't do HTML5 yet. :-) (It may not be actually easy, but compared to the man-years needed to create the 100MLOC behemoths of today, it doesn't seem such a far-fetched prospect to me! Especially if we're talking about specialized secure computing systems, where one might be expected to be willing to do a few sacrifices...)
Operating Systems

Exodus Intelligence Details Zero-Day Vulnerabilities In Tails OS 132

New submitter I Ate A Candle (3762149) writes Tails OS, the Tor-reliant privacy-focused operating system made famous by Edward Snowden, contains a number of zero-day vulnerabilities that could be used to take control of the OS and execute code remotely. At least that's according to zero-day exploit seller Exodus Intelligence, which counts DARPA amongst its customer base. The company plans to tell the Tails team about the issues "in due time", said Aaron Portnoy, co-founder and vice president of Exodus, but it isn't giving any information on a disclosure timeline. This means users of Tails are in danger of being de-anonymised. Even version 1.1, which hit public release today (22 July 2014), is affected. Snowden famously used Tails to manage the NSA files. The OS can be held on a USB stick and leaves no trace once removed from the drive. It uses the Tor network to avoid identification of the user, but such protections may be undone by the zero-day exploits Exodus holds.

Comment Re:Definition of a successful intercept... (Score 1) 454

Actually, an effective system would DETER attacks. Instead, Iron Dome seems to perpetuate the conflict. Need to find a way to deter attacks.

You're talking about radar-guided counter-battery fire. Well, Israel could most certainly do that, but prepare for the shit hitting the fan it they ever do that.

Comment Re:let me correct that for you. (Score 1, Offtopic) 619

That is not the point. The point is that 1) communism, in its design, has nothing to do with what was happening in East Germany, and 2) even if it had, in the end stage, it wouldn't matter if communist-bred people cheated for money more than others because the communist society would be a post-scarcity one, so this is an artificial "problem" since there would be nothing to cheat for.

Comment Re:Correction (Score 2) 97

There is no scientifically valid way to rule out life forms which are unlike our own

I'm pretty sure there are ways to constrain the range of possibilities. One obvious thing is that no life forms will most likely be based on xenon or gold because these elements don't really form the same kind of a wide range of interesting compounds that carbon does. The laws of physics (and chemistry) are the same pretty much everywhere, and just because our brains (and computers) are incapable of reaching more significant conclusions on this issue at this very moment doesn't mean that it's going to stay like that forever.

Comment Re:It was pretty cool in its day (Score 4, Insightful) 192

Accurate if you only want to emulate the 68000-based versions. Anything with cache (020 or higher) and timings are off.

But is that even important? Caches themselves introduce execution trace non-determinism (certainly in the presence of interrupts and multitasking) because you don't know in advance if the memory reference is going to hit or miss. The program can't rely on timings in those cases (it's my understanding that this is why Cortex-M for real-time control doesn't have any caches at all - if you really have to care about worst-case behavior, trying to improve the average case may be pointless for many applications).

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