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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 2 accepted (9 total, 22.22% accepted)


Submission + - Bionic arm provides hope for amputees

Static-MT writes: "Jesse Sullivan has two prosthetic arms, but he can climb a ladder at his house and roll on a fresh coat of paint. He's also good with a weed-whacker, bending his elbow and rotating his forearm to guide the machine. He's even mastered a more sensitive maneuver — hugging his grandchildren. (Watch Sullivan's bionic arm in action — :41) The motions are coordinated and smooth because his left arm is a bionic device controlled by his brain. He thinks, "Close hand," and electrical signals sent through surgically re-routed nerves make it happen. Doctors describe Sullivan as the first amputee with a thought-controlled artificial arm."

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