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Comment Re:$moking Crack They Are (Score 1) 166

I can only imagine how many tens of billions that will cost.

Just get a google datacenter up there and have them pay rent to NASA.

Soon you'll have Microsoft trying to follow, while a privatized space-launcher shoots up new techies and supercomputers.

Economical crisis averted, jobcreation as long we whip our globally our creditcards and click adwords.


Submission + - NASA looking for ideas to explore Mars (

ZeroExistenZ writes: NASA plans to make another trip to Mars in 2018 for which they want to devise a plan by this summer. To come to idea's for this mission, they turn to the public to takle a few challenge area's:

Challenge Area 1: Instrumentation and Investigation Approaches —>

Challenge Area 2: Safe and Accurate Landing Capabilities, Mars Ascent, and Innovative Exploration Approaches —

Challenge Area 3: Mars Surface System Capabilities —

I was wondering how slashdot what Slashdot would come up with.

Comment Re:GPS? (Score 1) 294

I don't think you're going to find a GPS based solution to help you

If the guy wants scuba GPS, get him his scuba GPS and become somewhat creative:

  • Make a small floating GPS-receiver which floats and follows you and tracks your location (by your sonar pattern fe.) add some sonar panels.
  • Attach GPS-receiver to snorkel, only update GPS location when you come to the surface for a low-resolution path of your adventures
  • etc.. I'm sure egineers in this forum can come up with another 100 approaches

Comment Re:And yet somehow (Score 4, Insightful) 237

A man with such an accomplishment on his CV will always find a job.

You must be a youngling.

I have an impressive CV. Each job or client they allow me to do more difficult and complex things.

In your carreer, if you give your maximum you won't come into a comfortable zone: each other job I need to give maximum (to maintain what I have on my record) PLUS the extra edge expected "for someone with such a CV".

There are moments you cannot keep it up though, and your energy levels and determination can't keep up with your CV. After 10 years carreer in misc fields (advertizing, finance, mobile, retail, ...) I burned out. I haven't cashed in my CV and will need to perform at the same level to embody my CV.

If you want to take a step back (my exgf worked 10 years in finance, wanting to get out) you'll hear "You are overqualified for this job".

Comment Re:Yes! (Score 2) 470

Too bad they've traditionally been buried beneath a *horrid* UI

Make the UI layer detached from all the core logic. Get a GUI-oriented guy to focus on the UI only.

I thought this was a standard design pattern, no ? There's nothing "burried", they just had more focus on the functionality and don't have a dedicated GUI guy.

Comment Re:The advertisers (Score 1) 262

Because it wouldn' tbe comfortable and convenient. It took almost 30 years to have people adjust to wearing their seatbelts as "inconvenience". (even with the fear of being fined for it and strong campaigning like they do now with using a cellphone while driving.)

Why would you get into a flame-resistive, full helmet and four point harness for you and your family every time you drive to the grocery store or commute to work ? You would find it hilariously inconvenient.

People DO however on motorcycles.

People DO however on bikes: 10 years ago, people didn't wear helmets on bikes. Right now where I live, everybody growing up with a "helmet for bikers campaign" and over-concerned parents forcing it on their children are now riding around (also as young adults) with a helmet. I don't see the use as I BMX-ed like a crazy free child in the woods and Mountainbiked through airbagless jungles of cities as a teen without dieing and brushing myself off after crashing; my concepts are "this is ridiculous", yet now 90% of bikers in traffic are wearing helmets.

Comment Re:The advertisers (Score 2) 262

It's part of that. But also that it started as markettability: "car x is safer as car y so if you care about your life, you but car x".

Later this got put into law (Health insurance costs, disabilities, people being taken out of workforce, political popularity: "He cares abour our safety", people who care about the lives of those who don't care and could drive reckless, ...) and later insurance companies who need to insure for less injury or death (and those who stay behind like women and children without a "caregiver" in the few traditional homes left). And as you point out the safety of other drivers who get impacted of your driving stupidity (crash impact).

And perhaps some personal motivations of people in the entire line of history losing someone left or right in an accident and "wanting to prevent the preventable".

I don't think these things are in place out of selfish reasons, nor a conspirist undertone, nor are a form of "silencing the people" or "taking responsability away"; it's an organic process of many linked and related people trying to do good (wether that means for themselves or for a higher, personally defined, purpose.) the same way you go to work and do your thing.

It's intelligence of crowds and the current time-spirit. Nothing fancier.

Comment Go cry to your mother (Score 3, Interesting) 262

This is a very good policy to keep up the atmosphere in G+ and not deteriote so a myspace or facebook.

It's another universe, if you want to put up "immature" material, don't go on G+. It's the same as with the Android store or AppStore of IPhone: "you are offered a free platform. But the platform is defined for you. IF you want to express yourself outside of the set boundaries, take your expression onto yourself and your own platforms/tools"

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