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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 14 declined, 1 accepted (15 total, 6.67% accepted)


Submission + - petition to switch off iPhone autocorrection (please-let-us-disable-autocorrection-steve.com)

theonlyholle writes: "A swiss web designer has created an online petition asking Apple to allow users to switch off the auto-correction feature on the iPhone. This has long been one of the more annoying features of the iPhone firmware, especially since it gives preference to its own suggestions over what the user typed. German speaking users have been particularly plagued with the iPhone's strange obsession with umlauts..."

Submission + - The trouble with the latest AJAX gimmicks (po-ru.com)

theonlyholle writes: "Paul Battley hits it spot on in his blog article on the pains of using so many AJAX pages on small screen devices today. Using the oh-so-popular lightboxes as an example, he shows how they take away user choice and usability (not just, but especially on devices like the EeePC). Commenters suggest that most designers hate these features, but customers want them anyway and sales people are happy for the extra hours to bill them for."
The Courts

Submission + - GPL upheld in court

theonlyholle writes: The GPL has been upheld in court in Germany in a case brought by gpl-violations.org against D-Link. D-Link claim to be happy with the result and the fact that the GPL is now tried and tested...

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