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Comment Re:How safe? (Score 1) 947

Believe it or not, most of the time most bicyclists don't like having to share the road with cars either (they belch exhaust right in front of you while you're trying to get as much oxygen as possible, they like to cut you off, they like to swerve into bike lanes without looking before turning, they drive at the speed limit even when it's not safe to do so due to poor visibility, etc.). If a bike is "in your way" chances are it's the only reasonable way for them to get to/from work while on a bike.

Sidewalks (in places where it's even legal to bike on sidewalks) often have low hanging branches, disappear without warning (either into a curb, 100-year old tree, or someone's yard) and you have to go a lot slower because if you're doing 20mph on a sidewalk it's not going to be long before you're going to run into some car backing out of a driveway that isn't looking that far for you.

Which is why there should be bike lanes on more roads. But even then, if you encounter a roundabout or want to make a left turn, you have to deal with cars, and cars have to deal with bikes. As it is, I go an extra 2/3 of a mile out of my way each trip to avoid cars as much as possible.

Comment Australia has tiers: (Score 1) 568

The fiber provider in my area (Canberra, Australia) has options for n GB(8am-2am) + n GB(2am-8am) where n is 20, 100, or 500. It's $100/month for the 500GB+500GB option at 100(down)/40(up)Mbps. Dropping down to 100GB+100GB at 12/1Mbps costs $60/month, which is what I was paying in Berkeley for Sonic DSL two months ago, and is pretty much the speed I was getting. Once you hit the cap, you're throttled to 256kbps both ways.

Seems reasonable to me. The more I use, the higher percentage of their "tubes" I'm using and the more they need to build.

Comment Re:Hybrid drives anyone..? (Score 1) 232

I got a 500GB/4GB one about three years ago. It's definitely faster than my previous (250GB/5400 rpm) drive, but it's also a lot more power hungry and seems to rarely spin down. SSDs, on the other hand, have much lower power consumption and are way faster. If your computer has USB3, you're definitely better off getting a small SSD and a 2TB 2.5" USB3 external drive.

PS. My first one died within a couple months, and this one's SMART says it's been failing for nearly 7 months now, but I'm stuck waiting until it shows a clear symptom or fails Seagate's own utility before I can RMA it.

Comment Re:Badly worded poll is bad (Score 1) 232

Technically, none of them are spinning. Both elementary particles (along with many more) have intrinsic angular momentum which we call spin because it's similar to the angular momentum classical objects have when they are spinning. Since (let's be honest here), physicists make up enough words as it is, using an existing word (the noun "spin") when it almost fits is probably a good thing. But the downside is that the verb "to spin" doesn't really apply.

Comment Re:GMO is not a problem (Score 5, Insightful) 400

It's not entirely the fault of the populace that they are ignorant. Have you tried finding out in what way GMO foods at your local supermarket have been modified?

Heck, if the agriculture companies had started using genetic engineering to make crops healthier, they would have been far more likely to be accepted. But they started by making crops more watery (and thus less nutritious), making it so farmers can blanket entire US states with herbicides without affecting the desired crops, and introducing pesticides that AFAIK are just assumed to be safe. So a broad brush was used, and because of the agriculture companies it was the bad brush instead of the good one.

Comment $25 billion a pittance?! (Score 1) 233

Duke's market capitalization is $50 billion and their annual earnings are $2.2 billion. How is $25 billion a pittance?

To that end, there are several companies trying to come out with pre-approved smaller reactor designs (50MW instead of 1100MW) which they would build for $1 billion apiece and then build them one after another on the same site until they had however many they wanted (could be 24, could be 6). That way, at any one time the financial risk is actually manageable.

Comment Re:Cue anti-union rage (Score 1) 467

The grad student union where I was a grad student is responsible for lowering the pay of grad student researchers and teaching assistants in sciences (when the first unionized 10 years ago). And the new postdoc union is responsible for contractual prohibitions on graduating PhD students getting temporary postdocs (as recently as 2 months ago) at their school before moving elsewhere, creating lots of unnecessary red tape, or being employed as a grad student researcher even after getting a PhD. Of course, that means you also are not eligible for the postdoc health insurance, (and you're not eligible for student health insurance if you're not enrolled).

None of that is remotely beneficial.

Comment Re:Mass Mail (Score 1) 473

Once a week is a bit extreme, and would require the post office to store a whole lot of mail over the course of a week, but I figure we could switch to standard 3-day delivery without a problem. Half of each zip code gets mail Mon, Wed, and Friday, and the other half gets mail Tues, Thurs, & Saturday. So if someone mails you something, it'll at most take an additional two days (1 extra day waiting to go out, and 1 extra at your post office waiting for your delivery day)---assuming you check your mail every day anyway. And the post office needs half as many maintained vehicles, half as many drivers, and uses half as much gas. And there's always the possibility of charging extra for everyday delivery.

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