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Submission + - Wanted: ebook reader for academic pdf junkie

boneglorious writes: As a graduate student, I have to read a lot of academic papers in pdf format, so I'd like to get an ebook reader just for this purpose. I wouldn't mind being able to read other things, but pdfs are definitely my main concern. I'd like recommendations for the best ebook reader for this situation.

Most ebook readers seem too small. The iRex Digital Reader 1000 looks good due to the larger screen size, but at $850, it's quite a bit pricier than, say, the Kindle. Any DR1000 readers care to comment on its good and/or bad points?

The Kindle doesn't have pdf support, but you can email pdfs to Amazon and they'll send them to your Kindle, reformatted. Does this work? If so, how do the pdfs look? Do they still have images? Are the pages just shrunk or ar they actually repaginated so the text is big enough to read?

Thanks for any comments/suggestions!

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