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User Journal

Journal Journal: April Fools Day

I noticed there's an achievement for either submitting, or having an april fools day story accepted (not sure which). I don't see any silly stories on the front page, but hopefully that will change when mine gets accepted! heheheheheh

PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: I wanna metamoderate....what am I doing wrong? 8

Discovered "meta-moderation". Decided to try it. Checked FAQs. Okay, apparently I can moderate "anytime", and to do so, I should click on the "have you metamoderated recently?" link that appears only "occasionally". Hm, okay, no link, well...Okay, here we go, found an FAQ telling me why there's no link on my index.pl. Ah, I should check the "Willing to Moderate" checkbox. Already done. Argh, how do I meta-moderate? I search for M2, meta moderate, and metamoderate. In desperation I google. Oh, this might be helpful: the FAQs. Okay, apparently I can moderate "anytime", and to do so, I should...
User Journal

Journal Journal: March 4, 2008

Logged onto Slashdot to write my daily journal. Remembered I have no life and nothing to write about. Chewed my keyboard thoughtfully for a minute, then gave up and went to eat a Wheat-a-bix. More tomorrow.

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