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Comment Re:I'm trying to parse this (Score 1) 385

If the order posted on Chilling Effects is correct you can see why Google took a broad view [my emphasis]:

Order the defendant to withdraw the articles, photographs and graphic representations of Belgian publishers of the French - and German-speaking daily press, represented by the plaintiff, from all their sites (Google News and "cache" Google or any other name within 10 days of the notification of the intervening order, under penalty of a daily fine of 1,000,000.- ? per day of delay;


Submission + - Social networking sites keep deleted photos

mjpg writes: User photographs can still be found on many social networking sites even after people have deleted them. A Cambridge University, UK, test on 16 social network and photo sites found that most failed to remove photos from their servers after they were deleted.

To perform their experiment, the researchers uploaded photos to each of the sites, then deleted them, but kept a note of direct URLs to the photos from the sites' content delivery networks. When they checked 30 days later, these links continued to work for seven of the sites even though a typical user might think the photos had been removed.

The work is reported on the University of Cambridge Security Research blog and the BBC news web site.

Comment GTip, GMicropay ? (Score 2, Insightful) 449

With a decent micropayment system Google could really change the web. It's a shame this is not it. It's likely Google could blend micropayments into sites pretty well with their AJAX skills - and their infrastructure should mean that the implementation cost was marginal (for them). And search could benefit. A micropayment is a pretty good vote for a site.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
