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Comment Re:If the Grand Ayatollah's against it.... (Score 3, Insightful) 542

The ones fighting are a tiny percentage of muslims though.

Actively fighting? Probably. That's usual in war. Supporting the fight against the goons? A vast percentage. Like Joe Average, Ahmed Average just wants a quiet life, and only gets into heated disputes about the merits of the local football teams. And narrow-minded Koran thumpers are just as bad for such a quiet life as narrow-minded Bible thumpers.

The fact is a percentage of muslim inman are indirectly supporting the IS through sharing similar beliefs about sharia law.

Funny how you left out `tiny' before `percentage' here. You don't really belief that this percentage is large, do you?

Comment Re:Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping. (Score 1) 635

Once I tried using its vi emulation mode - only to discover that it (the version at the time) had TWO of them, in true emacs kitchen sink style, and each had different deltas from getting the vi commands right. With only one I might have gone on to use it, and learn the deltas, while edging into native commands. But with two, and no obvious selection, I didn't bother.

That's why wise people have said that emacs is a nice operating system, but they should write a decent editor for it.

Comment Re:why the focus on gender balance? (Score 1) 579

Wikimedia Foundation efforts to address this "gender gap" have so far remained fruitless.

Why must everything be gender balanced?

I don't know about everything, but perhaps the Wikimedia Foundation simply would like to have a larger pool of contributors? There are often pragmatic reasons to worry about a gender gap.

Comment Re:Patent Trolls arent just little companies (Score 1) 97

Fixing the mess is at least straightforward. Discard software patents. Their legality has always been questionable, for sound technical and legal reasons, and they're one of the greatest drains on the patent office. They also have profound, demonstrable adverse effects on industry and on innovation in practice.

Is it really? Now suppose that instead of that clever new valve the OP was talking about I invent a whole new concept of fuel injection that also saves 5% of fuel. And I have an implementation, but as software in a standard electronic fuel controller. Do I deserve a patent? If not, why is it fair that the OP gets rewarded for his mechanical invention, and I am not for my software invention?

Comment Stupidity (Score 2, Insightful) 359

Do you really believe that a culture/tribe/village/group can develop such stupid rituals to deal with the dead and diseased and survive to this day? Do you really think that `primitive' people don't know anything about quarantaine or other measures against infectious diseases? Do you really think that a group of people that has just seen some of their own die in a horrible way will quietly slink off to meditate on their sins rather than seek (quite possibly rough) justice for this? But you're not one of the RFSP, right?

It is quite possible that this attack was stupid, but clearly we're not getting all of the story here.

Comment Re:Too much surplus (Score 1) 264

The Pakistani lady I dated for a few months would find that supposed conditioning highly amusing. She had a PhD in a technical subject, had a responsible job in the Pakistani defence industry, and called the Taliban retarded clowns. Sure, there are areas of Pakistan where you better not say this kind of thing, but those are the independent mountainous regions, where the central government never had much influence. Most people in the large cities of Pakistan are just as worldly in their views as people in first-world countries. Nevertheless, she, and all those people, consider themselves muslims. Just like plenty of worldly people in other countries consider themselves Christians, despite the narrow-minded fundamentalist that share their religion.

Unfortunately my relation with her didn't work, but I hope that she has found someone nice, and certainly not someone as narrow-minded as you come across here.

Comment Re:Are there any reasons... (Score 1) 174

Did you just seriously compare Steve Jobs to Elon Musk?

Steve Jobs wasn't exactly a saint. He redefined "walled garden". But if you're IN the walled garden, I can see how you'd be deluded in to thinking that's ok.

Is that the worst you can throw at Steve Jobs? He created a walled garden for iOS? He did indeed redefine the "walled garden" of game computers and mobile platforms of the time, but to make it far more accessible and affordable for developers. An some users prefer the walled gardens. They rightly feel more safe. This has nothing to do with delusions, brainwashing, or KoolAid, it is simply a choice. That's why there are condominiums in this world, and packaged tours, and restaurants. If don't like living in a condo, or prefer to plan your own trips and cook your own meals, that is fine, but that doesn't mean more service is evil. Similarly, if you prefer the wilds of Android to the walled garden of iOS that is fine, but that doesn't make walled gardens evil.

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