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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 1 accepted (8 total, 12.50% accepted)


Submission + - Obesity is socially contagious (

gubachwa writes: U.S. researchers have found that obesity can spread through a network of friends, just like the common cold or a penchant for a new style of jeans. So even if you are trying to diet, laying off that Twinkie might not be enough. If your best buddy is still reaching for a bag of chips, his weight gain may eventually be your weight gain as well.

Submission + - Astronaut arrested in kidnap plot

gubachwa writes: Astronaut Lisa Nowak was a part of a crew that was docked at the International Space Station last summer. Today, however, she finds herself locked in a jail cell awaiting a court appearance for alleged kidnapping charges. Supposedly Nowak was involved in some kind of a bizarre love triangle, and the kidnapping victim was to be a woman that Nowak saw as her romantic rival. Read the full story here.

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