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Journal Journal: Slashgift

When I loaded up my morning slashdot I saw they gave me some of these! :)
User Journal

Journal Journal: Upgrading linux installation

My lame attempt at different distros (had enough of Redhat 8.0)

Redhat buggy graphical start /etc/inittab, change the runlevel to 3 instead of 5

Knoppix notes
to login root
sudo root --> set password
in console login --> root
in Konsole (GUI) ---> su

apt-get install alsaconf

Flash click to view! :) no more annoyances

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hopeless

Everytime I visit these match making sites in the thought of raising my spirits the reverse usually happens.

When I'm feeling helpless trying to find somebody in the real world I turn to sites like HotorNot (paying the tax to send message) to later just get more frustrated and realise all these girls are just doing it for the fun of it and already have a significant other anyways and its just toally pointless.

Then I go back to reality to look for someone then I realize again. Nobodys ever single and if they are I lack a freakin job. Blah.

Though I think the the last girl I went out with over HotorNot is probably why I end up down when visiting those sites now.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Reduced to a number

With these online dating services I find the huge ratio to male:female quite ridiculas. I've had this happen countless of times where I would get a double match with some lady and find this out --> This person has 60 double matches!. But never ever, ever have I witnessed this!! ---> This person has 4676 double matches! as you can see in the screenshot.

*ahem* but thats a good chunk of the network (maybe 5%)?

Basically what I'm ranting about is I hardly see how, I, one person out of four thousand six hundred seventy-six "potentials" is going to make any mark.

Oh well, atleast shes single :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Beer, Beer, Beer

Best description for our domestic beer so far here.

I'll take Wiskey and Wine anyday :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: platonic female friend

I seem to have a ton of platonic female friends and acquire them much more frequently then other folks.

        I always thought I was being sucked into being a mentor but mentors don't get told repeatedly stuff that is irrelevant.

        Theres one platonic female friend I have which repeatly keeps telling me her exact marks which everytime which I reply with something to the effect of "you don't need to keep telling me your grades; a friend can tell if your giving it your best and thats all that ever matters". But regardless of my comment she continues to do so.

        Then there when she tells me about her firance when I flattly outright tell her I really don't care. But she contiunes to remind me and other people about how controlling her firance is and even vented last year about him not coming down to see her.

        This is after I met her on the bus a few times, given her rides since then, etc. She clearly knew I was hitting on her (before I new she had someone).

        Though even after she dropped the bomb about mentioning a significant other then I switched to considering her a friend. But obviously some girls don't know how to be friends without being platonic except for one lady which I hope she comes back again before I'm finished school.

        My idea of a friend (girl without being a signifant other) is someone you can spend time together chatting (see social life in dictionary) elsewhere besides school and maybe even playing some sports for fun (see exercise in dictionary)

        Thing is in todays society once a girl in North America gets someone else they obsess over that one individual. When they do this they can't go out with another guy for fun without fear from the significant other that she might decide to cheat (look up net for smartass comment)

        Than added to that the anti-social blanket the net offers (no talking online isn't social).

        In the 21st century when you ask a lady for her phone number, she hands you her MSN screen-name! When you talk to her online you'll find it will go something like:

Girl - Hi
Guy - Greetings
Girl - Whats up?
Guy - Not much (continue rambling)
Girl - ok
Guy - Tries to continue conversation
Girl - o (pronouced oooh)

Unless you really have something to talk about it usually goes pretty boring.

But nonetheless as you talk to her over MSN you find it takes almost five minutes for her to reply. Then when you get to school the next day you see her gabbing away on MSN in the classroom in the corner of the room with six pages of contacts, talking to eight people at once and wonder how she carries on any intilligent conversation with one individual.

        Then if you are ever interested in a lady and try the usual motions to tell her she just outright stops talking to you.

        Maybe this dude is right and all slashdotters are only ever going to have platonic female friends.


Journal Journal: Useful Linux commands to not loose :-)

This post is for linux commands and information I don't want to loose; what other place to backup then on slashdot, eh? :-)

Test speed of hard disk
hdparm -tT /dev/hdX

Enable DMA on hard disk
hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

Recover RPM freeze (after system restart of course)
kill the rpm, rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__*, rpm --rebuilddb, try
+again (don't remove the __ )

Log ps aux every 1 second to file
while [ 0 ]; do ps aux >>/mnt/dos/linux/ps_ax_log; sleep 1; done

Some port check thingy
netstat -tn | grep (portnum)
or lsof -i (prot):(port)

My NAT settings that work for Redhat 8.0
modprobe iptable_nat
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

backup MBR

dd if=/dev/hda of=hda.mbr bs=512 count=1

For knoppix its
sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/whatever'

To mount something that is accessible by everyone (aka FTP & HTTP)
mount it with gid=<your users group> and a umask that lets everyone have read access
when youre within your account
whoami --> actually its ID (lower case)
should give you the gid
<FoPref> try -o umask=000 (IIRC this is what I used)
User Journal

Journal Journal: Greetings 1

I've been reading Slashdot for many years and I have recently started to participate in the discussions and get an account instead of just reading them. Now I've came about and decided to start making some journal entries.

For all who care you can go here to get an idea of my activities on the Information Highway formly known as the Internet.

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