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Comment Re:Cognitive ability (Score 0, Flamebait) 808

I have mod points... but I'd rather reply to your idiocy in the small chance that you might learn. Let's put it this way: There's no evidence for invisible pink unicorns living on the moon... But there's no evidence that there's NOT invisible pink unicorns living on the moon. I'm sure we'd all feel better if we knew for sure one way or the other. I'm sure such a discovery would win some kind of prize... Just as sure as I am that the pimples on my ass are more intelligent than are your thoughts on this matter. Your dermatologist wife agrees.

Comment Re:Insightful? (Score 1) 220

Not counting ourselves is probably a smart idea, scientifically speaking. That method of reasoning minimizes the anthropic bias inherent in being part of the system we're trying to observe.

Since all life on earth appears to originate from a common source, and we are part of that, we should exclude ourselves and our plant and animal cousins from the life count, intelligent or otherwise. It's possible that there's some completely different non-DNA based microbe at living far beneath the earth's crust, essentially alien life on our own planet. If we were to discover alien life on Titan, then... maybe we could start estimating. But even then, there may be a common source for that and life on Earth. Depends on how radically different the form of life we find is.

Comment Re:Did His Contract Specify "Internal Waters"? (Score 1) 410

Not sure how it works for other companies... but I live in Victoria, BC, Canada, and often I'll get a text message welcoming me to the United States if I venture to certain parts on the southern tip of the Island. Would this guy not have received a similar message when he joined another company's cell tower?

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