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Comment Re:Yes, that would be ironic... (Score 2, Interesting) 233

For a long time Microsoft was a growth stock, and their P/E of 30 reflected that. Investors really expected that to continue as their server "products" displaced Unix, foreign markets began to flourish, and embedded products opened up to them. I personally believe that their stock has stayed put for so long simply because all three of these growth strategies were stymied, most often by Linux and/or other F/OSS.

Comment Re:Whatever your age is ... (Score 1) 918

You got a "+5 Insightful," and I would agree with the mods, but your reply was non sequitur to the GP. His/her point was that the time and money investment will likely not pay for itself. Your bottom line was, well, this: "The bottom line is that you go back to school because you love the subject." That's fine, but that wasn't what the GP was saying.

I will add as well that going back to school is not the only way to pursue an interest in a loved subject.

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 784

If you want to revolt by creating your own small community, you will either: (a) Be insignificant as to have no effect, or (b) Draw attention, which will result in laws being created to force you to participate in our national economy.

As to part (a), it will be significant to those who throw off their shackles. You are correct regarding part (b) unless a critical mass is established before the authorities' attention is drawn. I'll freely admit neither option is likely.

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 784

My friend, you strike me as sincere. Let me suggest an alternative to bloodshed. Let us revolt in a peaceful way. We can grow much of our own food. We can barter (without filing a 1099B with the Infernal Revenue Service). We can become our own creditors. We can create our own currency. It sounds simplistic, but extensions of these concepts would starve the dragon to death without us having to unsheathe our swords.

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