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Start Saving To Buy Your Space Shuttle Now 197

stoolpigeon writes "With the retirement of the shuttle drawing near, NASA has begun to plan for museums that may want a used orbiter of their own. The Orlando Sentinel reports that NASA issued an RFI to US educational institutions, science museums and other organizations to see if they would be interested in the orbiter while also able to cover the estimated $42 million cost of 'safeing' the shuttle and transporting it."

Submission + - National Security Letter Gag Order

fstyke writes: An article in the Washington Post (anonymous for obvious reasons) describes the trauma the president of a small US IT company faces after receiving a National Security Letter. This is sent by the FBI demanding information (140000+ sent between 2003/2005 according to the article). Makes for an interesting read of the side effects of receiving such a letter and its requirements for the recipient to remain silent about even the fact he/she has received it.

Finding High Quality Videos from E3? 55

Alec T asks: "Seeing how E3 is fast approaching, I was wondering where Slashdot readers go for their E3 fix? Gamespot, IGN and 1UP all provide free low quality streams and downloads, however we are reduced to having to pay to access high quality trailers and press conference screenings. Why is this? Is there a site out there which caters to our high definition needs? If bandwidth is such a concern, maybe BitTorrent would be the best distribution method, particularly for the console press conferences?"

Mac Security Alarm System 243

RogueAce writes "A program named iAlertU sounds a screeching siren when someone attempts to steal your Macbook. Thanks to the sudden motion drop sensors that Macs use to park the hard drive, iAlertU can detect when your Macbook is being picked up, moved or closed. Also, by using the handy remote that comes with the Macbook, you can turn the alarm on and off like you would a car, which the Macbook responds to by making the all too familiar chirping sound and a flash and flicker of the screen. The code behind it is from a guy named Christian Kleins."

New Griefer Punishment - Crucification 119

garylian writes "I found this interesting little news snippet from the game Roma Victor. Apparently, the game designers have decided that since their game is going to be based on realistic events that happened in the Roman Empire in Europe, there is nothing wrong with handing out punishments that were handed out in that time. The game's site has a letter from the Publisher's CEO explaining about how crucification is an appropriate form of punishment for in-game behavior. There are also pictures of the avatar hanging from his week-long perch."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ray? Is that you?

Sorry man, you can't have "Expecting Someone Taller" back. I've read it ten times now... I think it's pretty much Holt's best.

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