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Comment Re:Anonymous Coward (Score 1) 356

Yes, they were using actual WoW data files, including player and enemy models, sound effects and all that. That is clearly infringing on copyrighted material.

If the server host had bought a copy of the game for each server, where is the copyright infringement? I know that there might be some EULA problems, if you live a place where those won't be laughed out of court, but I have a hard time seeing what is so bad here if the copy of the data files on the server is not pirated.

Comment How to handle telemarketers (Score 0, Offtopic) 224

I just answer the phone, asks them to hang on for a second, and then just deposit the phone somewhere silent, like my bedroom, and wait for them to hang up. My current record is 7 minutes and 49 seconds.

This makes it as expensive for them to call me as possible with me just spending 5 seconds of my time.

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