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Submission + - How to escape from the corporate world into startu (

KDan writes: "Today, right now, what is the best path out of the corporate world and into startups? What would I advise myself to do, 5 years ago, if 5 years ago was today? Running your own business is an entirely different proposition than working for someone else. There are lots of things you need to learn, hangups you need to get over, habits you need to form, in order to have a chance at being successful. This is the "startup escape path"."

Submission + - Take notes to supercharge your learning (

KDan writes: "I've written before that you should take notes while reading advice articles. The more I've practiced this, the more I've come to believe that this is an essential learning tool (and one that I haven't been using properly for many years). The difference in learning between taking notes and not taking them feels, intuitively, like it's at least tenfold, maybe a hundredfold. If you don't take notes while reading a non-fiction, "teaching" book, you might as well not have bothered reading it."

Earth May Once Have Had Two Moons 139

AaronW writes "According to a story at, Earth may once have had two moons. The smaller moon, estimated to be 750 miles (1200km) wide and only 4% of the mass of the larger moon, crashed into the far side of the larger moon which caused the features we see today on the moon. The surface of the far side of the moon is quite different than the side facing the earth, having a different composition and a much rougher terrain."
The Internet

Submission + - Remembering John Postel (

KDan writes: "John Postel made significant contributions many of the key protocols and RFCs that power the internet (IP, TCP, etc). Of particular relevance today was his stance against US government control of the top-level domains: John Postel transfered the DNS root authority to non-governmental servers, but was overruled by Ira Magaziner, Clinton's science adviser, and forced to reverse the change.

In the current circumstances, this blog post is particularly relevant."


Submission + - What will kill Facebook? ( 1

KDan writes: This question pops up regularly on Hacker News. What will kill Facebook? Before that, it was "What will kill Google?" Before that, on Slashdot, it would have been "What will kill Microsoft?" Often, the question is asked with a combination of rage and envy. The questioner doesn't like Facebook, they want it dead, and they wouldn't mind if they were the one who came up with something that killed it. Aren't entrepreneurs charming? However, the question is fundamentally flawed. It's the wrong question. It leads nowhere. The only company that can kill Facebook is Facebook. Here's why.

Comment Re:Anonymous Coward (Score 1) 356

Yes, they were using actual WoW data files, including player and enemy models, sound effects and all that. That is clearly infringing on copyrighted material.

If the server host had bought a copy of the game for each server, where is the copyright infringement? I know that there might be some EULA problems, if you live a place where those won't be laughed out of court, but I have a hard time seeing what is so bad here if the copy of the data files on the server is not pirated.

Comment How to handle telemarketers (Score 0, Offtopic) 224

I just answer the phone, asks them to hang on for a second, and then just deposit the phone somewhere silent, like my bedroom, and wait for them to hang up. My current record is 7 minutes and 49 seconds.

This makes it as expensive for them to call me as possible with me just spending 5 seconds of my time.

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