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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 2 accepted (5 total, 40.00% accepted)

The Media

Submission + - Demonoid Returns, well mostly

camperslo writes: The news on Demonoid sums it up: "We received a letter from a lawyer represeting the CRIA, they were threatening with legal action and we need to start blocking Canadian traffic because of this.

Thanks for your understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience." (typo is theirs)

As posted here, the Demonoid trackers were up yesterday, the website went live again today.

It's good to see the Green Demon alive and kicking (of course its pretty well swamped at the moment)

Submission + - iTunes Store Sells 125,000 Disney Movies 1st Week

camperslo writes: Playlist reported that Walt Disney President and CEO Robert Iger said that 125,000 downloadable movies had been purchased in the week since Apple's debut of movies on the iTunes Store. That sales level generated $1 million in revenue for Disney, which works out to $8 per movie. They also state that "Iger told attendees of an investment conference in New York on Tuesday that Disney anticipates seeing about $50 million in revenue from the venture during its first year".

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